***CANCELLED***An Fior Lacha: Dragons Mist Champions Tournament


Hosted by Device of Rivers Region

The Rivers Region includes the following branches: Dragon’s Mist, Fire Mountain Keep, Hauksgardr, Heron’s Reach, Kaldorness, Mountain Edge, River’s Bend, Stromgard, and Three Mountains.

Hosted by Device of Kingdom of An Tir

The Kingdom of An Tir (Oregon, Washington, Northern Idaho, and British Columbia)

Hosted by Device of Dragon's Mist

The Barony of Dragon’s Mist (Washington county, OR )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Magdelena Castillo de Guzman
Date: August 8 , 2020
Site opens at: 9:00 AM on August 8th 2020
Site closes at: 7:00 PM

Event site:
Marshall’s Farm
34058 Sykes Road St. Helens, OR 97051


August 8th
Opening at 9:00 AM and Site Closing at 7:00 PM

Dragon’s Mist’s Annual Heavy Championship Tournament. 

The year is 1598 and Elizabeth Tudor sits upon the English throne. The Irish led by Hugh O’Neill have aligned with Phillip II of Spain to repel the Tudor army.  Word has reached Armagh that the English are marching north. Can The Alliance drive away the foreign army or will the Tudors win the day?  When the dust settles new champions will rise, will they bring peace or the hammer of war?

Please be aware that due to current health and safety issues some details will be subject to change. 

This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Has Heavy Fighting activities

Add all events from Dragon's Mist to your personal calendar (ical format)

Site Fees

Fee Type Cost*
Entrance Fee $20.00
*SCA Members will receive a $5 member discount off the cost listed above.

This page for event id 7549 was last updated: July 30, 2020