***CANCELLED***June Faire


Hosted by Device of Dragon's Laire

The Barony of Dragon’s Laire (Kitsap & N Mason counties, WA)

Hosted by Device of Western Region

The Western Region of An Tir includes the following branches: Aquaterra, Bearwood, Blatha an Oir, Dragon’s Laire, Druim Doineann, Earnrokke, Glymm Mere, Madrone, Midhaven, Rath an Oir, Porte de l’Eau, The College of St. Bunstable, and Wyewood.

Hosted by Device of Kingdom of An Tir

The Kingdom of An Tir (Oregon, Washington, Northern Idaho, and British Columbia)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Andras Trumark
Date: June 5 , 2020 until June, 7 2020
Site opens at: 12:00 PM on June 5th 2020
Site closes at: 6:00 PM on June 7th 2020

Event site:
Norseland – Bremerton Airport
8707 SW Sentinel Peak Way Bremerton, WA 98312


Greetings unto Mighty An Tir, Greatest Kingdom in the Known World!

With sorrow in our hearts, we announce that June Faire 2020 has been cancelled.

June Faire is our largest and busiest event and public demo. Our 2020 core Event Team is almost 30 members and that does not include the scores of volunteers who assist at gate; behind the scenes with layout, camping, trash, and tear down; and conduct demonstrations for arts & sciences as well as the many martial activities.

As COVID-19 progresses through our region, disrupting both our modern lives and our Dream, we felt it necessary to cancel. Even if the risk of such a large gathering were deemed minute, the recovery from these months will take time. We want to plan our largest event with joy and excitement, not with the pressure and stress of a potential cancellation and at increasing cost. We want our Populace, Friends, and Neighbors to be safe and healthy, to recover and recuperate, and to be excited when it is once again time to plan our June Faire.

Dragon’s Laire does not plan to reschedule June Faire for later in the 2020 event season, we will return in June, 2021!

For those who have pre-registered, thank you! If you pre-registered using PayPal, they will not be processed.  If you sent in a check, we will mail it back or shred it. If you are a Merchant, Master Arion asks that you please check your email.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at DragonsLaire.Seneschal@antir.org

Our amazing Merchants have been encouraged to join the An Tir Virtual Marketplace. If you’re over in the Kitsap area, please consider getting takeout from our fantastic Food Merchants! Check out the lists below!




Their Excellency’s Conchobar and Eilidh invite all to attend June Faire XXXVIII! 

Come play on our Martial Field! Enjoy war scenarios including siege, thrown weapons, and archery! Prize tourneys for heavy, rapier, archery, and thrown weapons! Archery, thrown weapons, and rapier areas! Amazing demos for siege engines, combat archery, youth combat, and so much more! Take a stroll through the Artisan’s Village, watch demos and speak with the artisans and scientists. Enjoy browsing the wares of the many Merchants and visit our amazing food!


Site: Norselands
8707 SW Sentinel Peak Way
Bremerton, WA 98312

Site Hours: Friday, June 5th, 12:00 PM (Noon) and closes Sunday, June 7th, 3 PM.

Directions to Site
From the mainland:
Get to WA-16 West. Once you are through Port Orchard, take WA-16 W to WA-3, which is a left exit. Drive on WA-3 roughly 4 miles and follow traffic instructions to parking.
From the Port Angeles Ferry/north of Bremerton: Get to WA-3 and go south. Once past the Naval Yard you’re going to want to work your way into the right lane in order to continue on Wa-3 south. Drive on WA-3 roughly 4 miles and follow traffic instructions to parking.

Event Staff
Event Steward
: Sir Andras Trumark jfchair@dragonslaire.org
Deputy Event Steward: THL Kloe of Thira jf_scacoordinator@dragonslaire.org
Camping Coordinator: THL Conrad Ross: jf_camping@dragonslaire.org
RV Coordinator: HE Barnet Acelin: jfrvcamping@dragonslaire.org
Pre-registration team: jf_prereg@dragonslaire.org
Volunteer Coordinator: m’Lord Hans “Moose” Dalheim jf_volunteering@dragonslaire.org
Seneschal: THL Ciar ingen Fiachnae: dragonslaire.seneschal@antir.org


What’s new this year? New demos! New food! Secret stuff TBA

What’s returning?  Amazing Arts & Sciences! War! Ballistas! Chorum Draconis! Prize Tourneys! Championships! Equestrian!

His Royal Majesty, King Christian Bane will be in attendance!


SWAG! June Faire 2020 swag on Redbubble! Art with “June Faire 2020” or just the “Awesome Art“.
The Barony of Dragon’s Laire makes no profit off the sell of any goods, all prices are set at cost.


Bringing a Small or Youth to June Faire that is not your own? You will need forms!You can download them from Dragon’s Laire’s forms section, instructions on the site.


Site tokens and Wrist bands

As June Faire is both an SCA event and a public demo, safety is a key concern! Please wear your site token at all times unless it would be a danger, such as on the war field.

Youth are required to wear wrist bands. There are two colors, one for SCA participant and one for modern spectators. SCA participants are asked to write the guardian name, contact number, and encampment. In case of emergency this allows the event staff or emergency services to more easily make contact.

Companion animals will also be issued a wristband which will have the Owner’s name, number, and encampment. Every one fondly remembers the cries of “HOLD!” on the An Tir/West War Field as a canine companion sprinted through the middle.


June Faire is HOST to the Kitsap Medieval Faire demo, please share with all your Modern friends and Family!


Got pics?

  • Share your June Faire memories on Facebook and Twitter by using #junefaire
  • We would love to get your high quality images for future use. If you’re willing to share, please contact jf_public_relations@dragonslaire.org


Pets: There are no species restriction at this site although there is a bald eagle nest as well as several native hawk species, coyotes, and mountain lions in the area.  There is a small airport and raceway nearby.

If you are bringing horses or anything equestrian please contact the event steward. There is limited equestrian camping.

Animals must be leashed at all times and other peoples’ pet compatible. You are responsible for your own animal’s doo — a limited number of bags are available at Gate and there are plenty of trash cans! Owners with aggressive animals will be asked to take them home.


FIRE: Currently allowed braziers or other stands, at least 18″ off the ground with either a 5 gallon bucket of water or fire extinguisher handy. Fires must be monitored at all times, this includes tiki torches. Currently there is no restriction on standard fuel types (wood, charcoal, propane, etc). NO FIREWORKS ARE ALLOWED. There are no restrictions at this time https://www.bremertonwa.gov/168/Fire-Department


Nicotine and Marijuana
Smoking or vaping of nicotine products on the event level are in designated areas only – marked with a sign and CAN. You make smoke or vape nicotine products in your designated campsite or vehicle. 

Marijuana : No smoking of marijuana is allowed onsite. Consumption of non-smoked products, following Washington State law, is permitted. 

This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Royal Presence - King
Accepts PayPal
Has Merchants
Offers Youth & Family activities
Has Heavy Fighting activities
Has Rapier and/or Cut & Thrust activities
Has Equestrian activities
Has Archery activities
Has Thrown Weapon activities
Has Bardic activities
Has Arts & Sciences activities
Allows pets (check for details)

See this event on Facebook

Add all events from Dragon's Laire to your personal calendar (ical format)

Registration Information


Follow this link to take you to Preregistration, Camping Land Grab, and RV Land Grab. 

We are using PayPal or you can choose to pay by check. 

Checks can be sent to 
June Faire c/o Dragon’s Laire
P.O. Box 99
Silverdale, WA 98383

Accessibility Information

Official write up coming soon!

Site Fees

Fee Type Cost*
Adult: Camping 20*
Adult: Day-trip all weekend 20*
Adult: Saturday only 15*
Adult: Sunday only (9-1) Free
Minors  Free
*SCA Members will receive a $5 member discount off the cost listed above.

Meal Information

Check out our fantastic Food Merchants! New this year, amazing Argensal with Argentinian and Salvadorian food, Belfair Pop brings new world sweet treats, Kern’s Kitchen with Gourmet Streetfood, Medieval Munchies brings Shepherd’s Pie, and Pegasus Coffee brings COFFEE!

Argentinian and Salvadoran food

Belfair Pop
Kettle corn

Funnel of Love
Funnel cakes and fried candy

Hotdogs etc
Hotdogs, chips, sodas, water

Island Grindz
Hawaiian Style food

J’ aime Les Crepes
Sweet and savory crepes, bottled drinks

Kern’s Kitchen
Gourmet streetfood

Medieval Munchies

Pegasus Coffee House

Smokin Robinsons

Viking Feast Ice Cream
Homemade Icelandic sky ice cream

Tournament Information

More information coming soon! So many cool things!


Period Kit Tourney run by Sir Decimus Marius Gavinus Brittanicus


Chorum Draconis! Bardic Tourney
To be held in the Bardic Circle on Saturday this year!

Youth and Family Activities

More information coming soon but we will have activities! 

Look for the youth and family activities tent at the entrance of June Faire!

Stamp Scavenger Hunt! Meet some amazing members of the Barony of Dragon’s Lair, including our Baroness, and explore the event site during your hunt! Scavenger Sheets will be available right near Gate Saturday morning for ease of hunting! There are NO STAMPS IN THE MERCHANT VILLAGE

Baroness Story Time with Her Excellency, Baroness Eilidh Keldeleth!

Volunteer Information


We will need volunteers for Setup, Camp Crew (Friday only), Gate*, Golf Carts, Equestrian!, Water bearing, Martial activities, Volunteer tent, Family Activities**, Town Cry, Chatelaine/Info, and Tear down.

*Some gate positions require a member card

!Some Equestrian roles require time in training. Training opportunities available. Please contact the Dragon’s Laire Seneschal dragonslaire.seneschal@antir.org for more information!

**At least one person per shift is required to have an SCA background check – If this is of interest to you, it’s quick and easy to do. Contact dragonslaire.seneschal@antir.org to get started.

Merchant Information

Autumn Creek
Children’s toys from wood, fabric & leather

Bronze Hammer
Variety of metal works and beads 

Burnt Village Wares
Norse stuff, archery & thrown weapons

Dark Ages Games
Medieval games

Dark Gift with Fire Fox Fashion 
Hats, bottles, chain maille, leather goods, handmade garb, swords and knives, boots, hats, fur, and horns

DragonStorm Sports
Hand made knives, leather products, mugs, pouches

Fa’el’s Forge – FIRE
Hand forged period blades and other smithed items.

Frigga Green Needle
Men’s, Women’s and children’s period appropriate cloth and leather garb and accessories.

Gaean Allusions Pottery
Wheel thrown, decorated stoneware with Celtic & Mythic designs.

Gunga Jen’s Designs
Armor and critters

Hawk and Dove Leather
Leather belts and pouches leather mugs and bottles

Hawk’s Forge – FIRE
Hand forged period camp equipment

Horse ‘n’ Round Studio
Hand-spun yarn, spinning supplies (including some raw wool from their own sheep)

Inky Quills LLC
Handcrafted, cold process soaps, shaving soap kits, lotion bars, shampoo bars, and soap dishes.

Keltic Kraze
Products from wood: bent wood boxes, bowls, utensils, hairsticks, etc

Lilla Rose
Hair pins and brooches

Micaela’s Fancy Faces
Face painting, body painting, henna

Nordic Trader
Nordic Wares, Viking Age museum reproductions

Fabric, books, notions, jewelry

Red Wolf LTD  and Reannag Teine
Brooches, pins, torcs, and other nice jewelry AND period pottery

Serendipity Jewelry
Silver and stone Jewelry, and finger-less fur gloves

Sidhefire Arts
Ceramic wares. Pottery and primitive beads, buttons and baubles.

Sparrow Hawk Studio
Spinning, weaving, needlework supplies, books, wool, silk, and linen

Tabby’s Hats
Period hand-made hats, coifs, haversacks, feathers

Tandy Leather – Shoreline Store
Leather, tools, rivets, etc

The Norse Gypsy Forge
Drinking horns, leather journals, medieval miscellaneous (ie. jewelry, feast gear, fans, garb, knives, misc. blades)

Primarily Jewelry and Scribal supplies, almost all handmade

Wild Woods
Ghana baskets, wood bowls and other small period items


Find us in the Artisan Village!

AMR Woodcraft
Wooded mugs and boxes, ornaments, and other crafts

An Tir Moneyers Guild
Period coin replicas with stamping demonstration

Dragonfire Pottery
Period pottery

Period pottery

Classes Offered

DEMOS! All the demos!

If you are interested in demoing and haven’t spoken with Master Arontius or Marquess Laurellen, you can email jf_artssciences@dragonslaire.org 

Emergency Preparedness Information

The Kitsap Community Emergency Response Team, C.E.R.T., will be onsite starting Friday and staying through until site closes Sunday. They have the ability to provide first aid and to assist in emergencies. An evacuation plan is developed annually as part of the CERT team and County Site requirements.

Cell phone coverage on site may be patchy in some areas but is generally available. Emergency contact to 911 is also available at the CERT truck on the event site.

In case of emergencies, the nearest fire station is South Kitsap Fire & Rescue 6, which is 3 miles away, and a second station, North Mason Regional Fire, is 5 miles away.  The North Mason Sheriff Department is 5 miles out and both the Washington State Patrol and Kitsap County Sheriff Departments are  7.5 miles away.

This page for event id 7417 was last updated: March 19, 2020