Picnic in the Park with Sven


Hosted by Device of Porte de l'Eau

The Canton of Porte de l’Eau (East King County, WA)

Event Summary

Date: July 28 , 2018
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on July 28th 2018
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Festivities will commence at 11 AM and end approximately 6

Come join the friends of Sven (Aka Pd-alites, Porte de
l’euvians) for a tropical summer picnic!

We’ll be featuring a Byzantine lunch for a small donation,
battle croquet, a heavy tourney, and 2 costume contests! Come in
your best documentable warm climate garb, or make it up and join
our Pax de Faus.

Site fee: NONE ($0)

Site info:
Spiritridge Park
16100 SE 33rd Pl,
Bellevue, Washington 98008

This page for event id 6911 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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