

Hosted by Device of Glyn Dwfn

The Barony of Glyn Dwfn (Medford, Ashland, Jackson Counties, OR )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Piaras mac Toirdhealbhaigh
Date: May 12 , 2017 until May, 14 2017
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on May 12th 2017
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on May 14th 2017

Event site:
Salt Creek Arena
1125 Salt Creek Rd Eagle Point, OR 97524

Hocktide and,
with it, the camping season is coming!! The Fair Shire of Glyn Dwfn
requests you join us as we see feats of great skill and ferocity
and, ultimately, new champions of Armored Combat and Cut &
Thrust Combat! Please see below for format information.

We will also
have 2 rapier tournaments, including a Never-Won-A-Tourney
Tournament and a Capture the Documents-Style Tournament! Membership
is NOT required for these 2 tournaments!

There will also
be a potluck feast. Please bring the following based on the first
letter of your mundane last name:

A – D:
Meat or Entrée
E – L: Salads, fresh fruits & veggies, or vegetable
M – R: Potatoes, pasta, breads, chips, etc.
S – Z: Dessert

Heavy Defender

The defender
tournament will be the standard Hocktide style which includes many
weapons styles so please bring all that you have and be prepared to
use them. This will also be a Noblesse Oblige meaning a prize based
on your OP is required to enter. The fighter who finishes last will
be the first to pick a prize, and the winner will be the

Cut and Thrust

The Cut and
Thrust Championship tournament format will be determined based on
number of fighters but will be bring your best. Howevewr, for
invocation of the lists, fighters will need to have a banner,
shield, or surcoat with their person or household arms on them
(does not need to be passed yet through the College of

bring your own water, as the water on site is not
. The site is discreetly wet. Please
contact the event steward, HL Piaras mac Toirdhealbhleagh at
piaras2012@gmail.com with
any questions.

Fees: Site fee is $20, with a member discount
of $5. Children 17 and under are free. Make checks payable to Shire
of Glyn Dwfn, SCA Inc.


Site: Salt Creek Arena, 1125 Salt Creek Road,
Eagle Point, OR 97524. Site opens at 12:00pm on May 12, 2017 and
closes at 2:00pm on May 14.

This page for event id 6751 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy