Autumn Gathering X


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Barbara Svarthardt
Date: November 19 , 2016
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on November 19th 2016
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
First Christian Church
2000 Kessler Blvd Longview, WA 98632


Welcome again to our day of fun and feasting!  Our theme is
Fruits of the Harvest. We will have a variety of board games with a
prize for the one who plays the widest variety of games! Weather
permitting, there will be Thrown Weapons. We will also have a darts
contest (bring your own darts, and these scores can be sent in to
the Kingdom), and a Subtlety contest. Currently we are planning
another Cheese making class,a Needle Felting class, and a Teneriffe
weaving class. –The cheese making class will have a suggested
donation for supplies and for cheese you take away. Still working
on it, should be less than $5. Will work with both goat and cow’s
milk.–The Needle felting class is limited to 7 and will cost $10
for supplies. You may preregister by contacting the steward.
 Lunch is available for $4 (soup, bread, dessert), and there
will be a potluck feast. –The Teneriffe class will have a
small charge for supplies, depending on how much you want to make.
You can learn how to make palm-sized ornaments on a small wire
frame that have many decorative uses. 
Lunch will be available as is our custom, for $4:00. Fresh soup,
bread and dessert. 
Feast : Please bring enough for your party plus 8. Potluck
contributions are by modern last name as follows: A-D:
Fruit/cheese/salad; E-K: Desserts; L-S: Side Dishes; T-Z: Main

Schedule:9:30: Site opens

10:00 – Cheese making class (check back on cost per student)

         — Board Games are available all
day for people to enjoy.  Learning to play a game counts! We
will have period table games: chess, nine man morris, gluckhaus,
backgammon, put and take, cribbage, and perhaps a couple modern
ones as well. 

11:00 – Thrown Weapons open, weather permitting, while a marshal is
available during the day.

12:00 – Lunch available for $4.       
  1:00 –  Music activity

2:00 – Needle Felting Class-  maximum 7 students, cost $10 for
supplies, provided by teacher (Stephanie  )   
    – (Tentative) Wood burning activity- come and see you
can embellish your wooden objects.

3:30 – Darts Competition- need to bring your own

4:30 – Subtlety Contest- please bring your entries on the theme
“Fruits of the Harvest” to the designated table so they can be
judged before the feast. 

5:00 – Feast! Bring your potluck dishes as described

7:00- schmooze, chat, share awards for day’s activities until we
feel like cleaning up.
After Feast, presentation of awards for today’s activities, chat
and schmooze, maybe music. 

Fee: $8 for adults (18 years +), with a discount of $5 for SCA
members. No fee for children. Make checks payable to Shire of
River’s Bend, SCA, Inc. 

Event Stewardess: HL Eglentyne Merryweather, or
call 360-425-4570. Unsleeping golem can take a message. If you want
to reserve a place in a class, please let me or the teacher

SITE INFO: First Christian Church, 2000 Kessler Blvd., Longview,
WA  98632 

DIRECTIONS TO SITE: From I-5 take exit 36b to Longview, stay on Hwy
432. It becomes Tennant Way. After you pass the Arco station it
becomes Nichols Blvd.  Turn right on 20th Ave. to cross the
lake. The Church is on the corner. Parking is available in the
school parking lot across 20th Ave., and on both sides of the
street. Entrance will be marked with signage. 

This page for event id 6576 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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