Feast of St. Eggberts


Hosted by Device of Myrtle Holt

The Shire of Myrtle Holt (Josephine County, OR )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): David De Rosier-Blanc
Date: April 9 , 2016
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 9th 2016
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Josephine County Fairgrounds Floral Building
1451 Fairgrounds Road Grants Pass, OR 97527

Come help the shire of
Myrtleholt celebrate the feast of Saint Eggberts.

The story of St. Eggbert
of the chickens:

Eggbert was born, the third son of a fowler at
Hennford, England in the year 402 AD.  The local priest taught
him letters when he was seven. He bacame a wandering monk preaching
to any listener.  He used a hens egg to explain the Trinity
and while happily dining on roasted fowl said:  “if thy right
wing offend thee then then pluck it off.”  Eggbert was a pious
but odd man often sleeping in hen houses.  One night, fierce
vikings raided the small hold.  Eggbert, half asleep in the
coop was beaten to death by a huge Dane wielding a pair of pilfered

The Shire of Myrtleholt celebrates St.
Eggbert’s Feast, because many years ago the Shire was given a
mystical sign.  There had been a feast wherein all meats were
poultry.  After this feast shire members exhibited red itchy
rashes, fevers and swelling of the bodies – all indicative of the
Pox of Henne.  Superstitious mutterings causes one Lady to
even change her name from “de Poullet” to “de Faucon”.  The
plague caused people to look to heaven for help.  A story was
circulated about the man called Eggbert who seemed a Saint.  A
large statue of a rooster was located in a nearby village. Plague
victims and survivors made pilgrimage there to beseech Eggbert to
end the plague.  They honored him with a feast in the Spring.
 The Plague of Henne was gone.


Myrtle Holt A&S Championship AS

Myrtle Holt welcomes all who wish to compete in
our 5th annual A&S Championship.
Please read the words of our current A&S Champion…

Calling all artisans and
creative garbologists. St. Eggbert’s Feast is soon going to
be upon us. With that comes the search for the new Arts and
Sciences Champion of the Incipient Barony of Myrtle Holt. It has
been my honor to hold this position for the past year and I am
excited to welcome the new holder of that title. So what is this
championship going to be all about, you may ask. Well, it is going
to be exciting and creative with a lot of room for imagination.
What I ask is that you
something that you have created that will
enhance your SCA encampment. Something that you have created to
make your environment more beautiful, more primitive or simply more
convenient. The only thing I ask is that you make it as period as
possible. Come and surprise us all. This is a fun and rewarding
competition and one that will leave you with a feeling of
accomplishment. Extra points will be awarded for the creative
re-use of materials.


  • Winner must be willing to
    promote the Arts and Sciences as well as be responsible for the
    next years competition.
  • Entries must be original and
    not have been entered into any competition in the SCA prior to this
  • Entries must be the work of the
    entrant alone.
  • Entrant must be ready to
    discuss the methods used as well as any materials used.

Other rules regarding

  • Entrant must be a current
    resident of the Principality of the Summits
  • Entrant must be available in
    person at event to discuss their entries with
  • Entrants must notify me of
    intention to enter BY NO LATER THAN MARCH 31st as well as a brief
    description of what their entries will be at that
  • Notification should be emailed
    to jcbianco@frontiernet.net This will allow our MoAS to coordinate
    Judging resources.

questions should be posed to the current champion, HE Jennet
MacLachlan of Loch Fyne
(mka Janet Bianco, on Facebook or at jcbianco@frontiernet.net for
or to MoAS of Myrtle Holt, HL David de Rosier-Blanc
(mka David Bianco, on Facebook or at dbbianco@frontiernet.net for

2st Annual Cut
& Thrust Rapier Championship

Myrtle Holt is very excited to announce our
second Cut and Thrust championship. 
The format of this championship will be double elimination for all
rounds except the
Final, which will best of 3.   Bring your

We look forward to finding out who will be our
next C&T Champion!!!

Heavy Fighting

Myrtle Holt has decided to
make this year’s Heavy Fighting Tournament at this event
be of a kind of fighting more rare:  Barrier
Tourney.   This will be a double elimination
tournament, and the prize will be…  well… for the moment,
this is a bit of a surprize


In years past, we’ve not
previously offered up an opportunity to play in the realm of
thrown weapons at our Feast of St. Eggberts, and this year, we’ve
decided to add activity
in this
In a recent re-flourishment of a nearly lost style, we’re going to
be providing access to Darts as an
open activity for all to participate in, and record scores that
will be placed on the An Tir Kingdom Dart
Scoring roster.

Other Activities, for the
young and young at heart:

– Three Media
Illumination:  3 different forms of illuminating will be
offered based on participants age
   For those under the age of 8 there will be colored wax
illumination, for those youths who wish to participate
   there will be color pencils, and for the young at
heart… paints

– Egg the Saint:  An
ever popular event that takes the opportunity to toss eggs at a
likeness of St. Eggbert.
  This year’s competitions here might include an egg toss for
distance, and perhaps other new features

– The Return of Egg
Jousting:   This year we bring back the favorite
competition from last year…  Will there be a new


  • Back-stitch Beaded
    Taught by HL Rathyen de Bures, this class
    will cover the exciting art of ornamentation using
    beads and a stencil as a template.   Create simple
    borders all the way to complete beaded

    illuminations on garments or other fabric items.  
    Class Duration: 2 hours, Maximum attendees:  7; Minimum 
    age: 12 years old; Fee: 
  • Ribbon
    by HE Dame Jennet MacLachlan of Loch Fyne, students will learn how
    to do embroidery with

    not just thread but using varying thicknesses of ribbon to create
    beautiful embelishment of
    flowers or other interesting designs. 
    Class Duration: 1 hour, Maximum
    attendees:  5    Supply Fee:  $5 or contact
    instructor for list of materials to
  • Soapstone carving for casting
    Buckles of Pewter:
    Taught by Master Brizio de Maroni
    Corazzaio, Students will learn the basics of selecting
    appropriate soapstone for making casting molds, setting up the
    basic pieces that will become
    the mold and carving into a mold a basic buckle design. 
    You’ll learn about keeping mold
    pieces aligned and placing appropriate portals for pouring in metal
    and venting out air.
    Class duration: 2 hours     Maximum attendees: 
    6      Supply Fee: 
  • Crash Course in Pattern
    Making I   
    Taught by HL Taran Mac
    Course Description: This is the first segment of a five class
    sequence that will lead students through the process of designing,
    fitting, correcting, resizing, and modifying patterns.  In
    this segment we will cover:  what measurements to take and how
    to use them, how to use period art to plan your patter, tools and
    tips to help you draft a pattern, and a brief discussion of how the
    methods being taught differ from historic practices.  Students
    will come away from the class fully prepared to pattern a
    cotehardie to their measurements (making the first draft of the
    pattern will be covered in the second segment).   Please
    wear clothing suitable for being measured (no bulky or structured
    garments).  Instructor will supply everything
    Duration:  about 2 hours      
    Cost:  $1 for handout      Max
    attendees:  5
  • Crash Course in Pattern
    Making II
      Taught by HL Taran Mac Tarl’a
    Course Description:  This is the second segment of a five
    class sequence that will lead students t
    hrough the process of designing, fitting,
    correcting, resizing, and modifying patterns. I
    n this segment we will cover: tools of pattern
    making, making the first draft of the pattern (based on the
    measurements we took in the first segment), why the cotehardie is a
    good thing to start with, and discuss helpful hints for a more
    successful pattern. Students should come away from this class with
    a complete cotehardie pattern ready to make a mockup (which we will
    fit in the third segment). Please come to this class with your
    sketch and measurements and be aware that the next step
    involves… homework!
    Duration:  About 2
    Cost:  $1 for
    handout         Max
    attendees:  5 


It continues
to be Myrtle Holt’s great honor to provide our guests with a
feast to end the day.   This year, our feast stewards
have decided to honor the Viking
who were
responsible for St. Eggbert’s demise.    “Why?” you
ask.. because
even villainous invaders should get the chance to be represented in
our culinary offerings
at our feast.   Our feast stewards assure us that it is
best to offer up invaders with the
taste of home, just in case that is the reason they left home in
the first place…  “Och, they
eat the same things we do, we might as well not have travelled so
far to have to invade
them, just to get the same thing we eat at

This might be
clever thinking…  It might not… Either way, these
delicacies haven’t been
offered up at the tables of St. Eggbert’s Feast before, so you are
in for a culinary treat!

This year’s
feast will offer:

First Remove:

  • Honey Roast chicken
  • Swedish brown beans
  •  Bacon &
  • Honey nut cake w/ lingonberries & whipped

Second Remove:

  • Swedish pork loin
  • Armored turnips 
  • Crudeties + faskot (fresh gourmet
  • Rommegrot


  • fish soup finman haddie/ Viking
  •  Chicken beer
  • Glazed carrots 
  • Cherry or current bread


Adults $12,

Youths (8-17 years)

Children (under 8)

Family Cap (2 adults and
children) $35,

Non-member surcharge of $5
applies. Make checks payable to “Myrtle Holt, SCA


10:00 AM:
opens for general populous

Crash Course in Pattern Making I – HLTaran Mac

ACTIVITIES:        3 media

10:30- 11 AM:   

Championship:        Entrants
set up their displays

11:00 AM:

Back-stitch Beaded Embroidery – HL Rathyen de Bures of

Lists open for Heavy Tournament and Cut & Thrust
Darts for Kingdom Scoring (until 1:30 pm)

ACTIVITIES:        Return of Egg


Ribbon Embroidery – HE Dame Jennet MacLachlan, A&S
Crash Course in Pattern Making II – HLTaran Mac

Heavy Barrier Tournament

Darts for Kingdom Scoring (until 1:30 pm)

ACTIVITIES:        3 media
Illumination, and other games

Pot-Luck Day Board Opens

1:30 PM:

A & S Championship Judging Commences

Myrtle Holt’s 2nd
C&T Championship

Darts for Kingdom Scoring

ACTIVITIES:        Egg the

2:00 PM

Soapstone Carving for casting Buckles of Pewter – Master

Myrtleholt’s 2nd  Cut and Thrust Championship

ACTIVITIES:        3 media
Illumination, and other games

Day Board Closes

3:00 PM

A & S Championship Judging Finishes,
C&T Championship Finishes

ACTIVITIES:        Saint
Eggbert’s Bocce Egg

Court of their Alpine Highnesses, Turk and Vestia

Viking Feast Begins

Feast Ends

Clean-up Commences

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