Spring Ithra


Event Summary

Date: April 12 , 2014
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 12th 2014
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Napavine Senior High School
404 4th Ave. NE Napavine, WA 98565

Glymm Mere Spring Ithra    
April 12, 2014     Napavine High

Napavine, Washington

Join us as we learn the ways of the middle

Ithra is offering a variety of wonderful
classes to teach and

We are offering a
lunch of soups and salads for a $4 fee. Lunch is by

One soup is a Chicken Curry soup made by HL Rosamond
Winder (a wonderful cook!)

The second soup is a vegan Tuscan Bean soup made by HL

Our salad will have a variety of items to top your salad.

Her Excellency Francisca is making bready stuffs to go with the
soup and salad.

The dessert is not yet decided but will be tasty.

If you wish to partake in the luncheon meal, please contact me,
Fionnghuala, at this email

address: (gentlewings at hotmail dot com) You will be added to
the list. Please bring small bills for this.
Site will open at 8:30 am
Saturday and close approximately 7pm.
Set-up and breakdown help is always

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