As You Like It


Event Summary

Date: November 9 , 2013
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on November 9th 2013
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Waitsburg Elementry School Gym
184 Academy Waitsburg, WA 99361

The Canton of Akornebir invites you to a day of fencing,
feasting, and frivolity! It is time to decide the new defenders of
the Canton for Rapier and Arts & Sciences! This year’s “As You
Like It” will feature a “tavern” brawl, tournaments, and — weather
permitting — melees in rapier with prizes awarded for chivalry and
skulduggery. A&S will be populace choice with presentations
during feast. Feast will be potluck, with main dishes and pie
provided by the Canton. Please bring a side dish to feed eight to
ten people. Site is DRY.


$12/adult (17+)
$6/youth (6-16)
children under 5 are free.

$5 NMS fee applies. Make checks payable to Canton of Akornebir,
SCA Inc.


Site opens at 10a.m.

Rapier armor inspection at 11:00a.m.

Rapier to commence at 11:30a.m.

A&S entries welcomed, 11:00a.m. —

Norse Wireweaving with Mistress Marcia
Monthey, 1 — 2:30p.m.

From Mistress Marcia: “I can take 6 people in the
Viking Wire Weaving Class. The cost is $2.00 (please bring the
exact amount) and you get a handout and a dowel to work with. The
class will only teach the technique, there won’t be time enough to
make a finished item. All students need to bring a small wire
cutter and a smooth faced small pliers. I will provide the starter
wire. We will discuss the various dowel and wire sizes, how to make
a draw board, and finishing techniques.”

A&S judging, 2p.m. to 4p.m.

How to Run Gate with HL Ysabella Greene, 2:45
— 4:15p.m.

From HL Ysabella:
“Want to learn how to work a gate shift for your baronial event?
Come and learn what is expected and how to fill out a gate sheet,
waivers, etc.”

A&S entry presentations and Bardic
competition (Hosted by Lady Emma Godwif during feast.

From Lady Emma: “Please be prepared to talk to the
populace about your project. It doesn’t have to be a fancy verbal
dissertation, just a few words about why you chose your project,
what you enjoyed about creating it, a
any difficulties you faced while crafting it and how you solved
them. Short, sweet, and to the point. We love to see A&S
entries and would love to hear about

Court following feast.

Site closes at 8p.m.

Event Steward: Lord James Elwic (James Stearns), 509-382-4898,

This page for event id 6130 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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