Kingdom Heraldic and Scribal Symposium


and Device of Glymm Mere

The Barony of Glymm Mere (Thurston, Grays Harbor, and South Mason counties, WA )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Rosamund Winder
Date: November 3 , 2012 until November, 4 2012
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on November 3th 2012
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on November 4th 2012

Event site:
Gwinwood Conference Center
6015 30th Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98503

Within our lands are those who
put designs and symbols upon parchment using pigment and gold and
other medium.  Others of steady hand take over the task and
add words to these scrolls.  Finally there are those who then
proclaim these words so all may know of the deeds of others. 
Flocks of people assist in the creation of our names and armory
that is such an important part of our society.  There are more
still that work without notice to make all aspects of the Scribal
and Heraldic arts strong in our Kingdom.  To further these
skills, each year a gathering is held so that they may pass amongst
themselves the knowledge to carry on these feats.

The Barony of Glymm Mere
invites the heralds and scribes to join them for classes and
meetings.  This year we will include three tracks of Heraldic
learning and two tracks of Scribal instruction.

There will be a continental breakfast of coffee, tea, fruit, and
  Lunch will be bread with a soup bar, 
so far for soups we will have are chicken chili, carrot soup, a
chicken soup, a vegetable, a sausage soup and possibly more. 
These are provided as a part of your event fees!  Dinner on
Saturday will be a dine out event that you can plan amongst

There has been a limited
number of pre-registrations for the classes.  Those that have
written me will be filled in on the class roster.  All others
will need to sign up at gate for those classes they wish to

**Please see the
Barony of Glymm Mere website for class offerings and schedule-**

Remember — Sunday is the time
change — You get to grab that extra hour of sleep after frolicking
late at night with your fellow heralds or scribes (or both if you
are so inclined).
Sunday those heraldicly inclined will have a Black Lion’s Meeting
at 9:00 followed immediately by the Pelican Roadshow which should
last a couple hours. 

Site closes on Sunday when the event staff give us that ‘are you
ever going to leave look’ or before 5pm.

If there are changes to schedule or such, I think we might be able
to find someone that can make an announcement during the

Site is DRY and remember to keep all beverages in a spill proof

Safe journey to all.
In service to the Kingdom, the college of Heralds, and you,

Geoffrey FitzHenrie

This page for event id 5842 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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