Winter War


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Suna Einarsdottir
Date: April 16 , 2010 until April, 17 2010
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 16th 2010
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on April 17th 2010

Event site:
Wetaskiwin Drill Hall
4513 - 50 Street Westaskiwin, AB T9A 1L2

Winter War

April 16 to April 18 2010
  Welcome one and all to a battle of Borealis vs The
World!   Treachery is afoot and Baron Vik Vikingsson and
Baroness Inga the Unfettered of Borealis have summoned a
great army to find those that dissent in the ranks of Avacal.
Who will be the victor in this epic battle? Does it extend
beyond our borders…    War points will be awarded
in Heavy, Rapier, Archery (on site), Arts and
Sciences/Bardic/Dance, and Volunteer.  

War Points

For those who would
contribute to the War through the Gentler Arts, this year’s
Winter War Arts and Science competition will be entries which
link “Winter” and “War”. Any entry which provides an
explanation of how it relates winter and war will be
accepted. Some indication of when and where the item would
have been used or made should form part of the documentation,
or if an original composition, what general location and
period you are using for your inspiration. Points will be
awarded for skill, quality, documentation, and creativity.


a dish that might have been cooked in a war camp (with
appropriate explanation and documentation)
Ø      an article of clothing
that would have been worn by a soldier fighting in winter
(with appropriate documentation)
Ø      an illumination
showing war or warriors in winter time
Ø      a piece of poetry
narrating or describing war in winter (could be combined with
calligraphy and illumination)
Ø      a ballad or tale of
war in winter (could be performed for judges or for the
larger group depending on desire or scheduling)
Ø      a weapon or piece of
armour that would have been worn by those fighting in winter
(with explanation and/or documentation)
Ø      an embroidered motif
that relates war and winter
Ø      a play or drama with
winter war as its theme (short for logistical reasons,<10
minutes; could be performed for judges or for the larger
group   depending on desire and scheduling; present
a synopsis and documentation first)  

will start with a grand Melee to warm up the

  • Champions battle
    (Baronial, and shire champions) grand melee style
  • Main battles will be a
    progressive style (this is the points battle) Field, then
    bridge, then field, and castle

    • Bridge battle
      (knight’s and Royals can cross river on their
    • Field battle on
      weapons over 6 feet in length.
    • Boat
    • Beach battle


  • Archery will be in all
  • No killing from behind,
    fouling weapons only
  • Standard war rules for
    engagement on 90’s
  • standard armour
  • We will be taking water
    between every battle
  • Watch out for
  • No direct shots at the
  • Remember to have fun and
    this is only a game!

Lords and Ladies of Avacal… War has come to our lands! In
the Barony of Borealis, lines shall be drawn, harsh words
exchanged, and blood spilt. Prepare thyself for battle!

Warm Up:
Snowball   Well warm up with a fun little game to get
the blood pumping! You start out as a single fighter, and
square off against someone else in single combat. The winner
will then join with his/her opponent to make a team of two.
That team of two will square off against another team of two
and fight for supremacy, the victor leading the new team of
four. That team of four will fight another team of four etc.
The snowball scenario will go until everyone is on a single
team. For fun to get the juices flowing, and to give the
stragglers time to suit up. Does not count for war scenario.

Scenario 1:
Secret Messenger   Taking turns on offense and defense
you need to either get your message through, or capture the
message satchel itself. Best 3 out of 5 rounds , 5 Minutes
Per round. All weapon combinations/ firearms allowed, but
everything you use must be able to be easily carried (ie. No
war machines. You’re trying to move light, quickly, and
stealthily.) Only one round per firearm is allowed as you
wouldn’t have time to reload. The satchel cannot be
destroyed, and can count as a parrying device. Unlimited
resurrections from the res point.  

Offensive side: You need to
get a secret message through enemy lines! The information you
have is integral to the war efforts! The enemy might have
gotten wind of your coming, so there may be some opposition!
[ You must get through enemy lines and have the bearer of the
satchel touch the satchel to the opposing teams wall. The
satchel may be thrown to another person, slid across the
ground etc, but to win someone must be holding the satchel
and touch it to the wall. If you are killed while holding the
satchel, you may not throw it away, you must let it fall
unencumbered to the ground] Be careful not to let the satchel
fall into enemy hands!

Defensive side: You heard
rumors that an important messenger is trying to sneak through
your lines. Don’t let him through! Prevent the message from
getting through or intercept the message if you can. [Prevent
the satchel from reaching your side of the battlefield but
holding the satchel back for 5 mins, or capture the satchel
by keeping it in your possession alive for a count of 10

Scenario 2: Bridge battle
  Taking turns on offense and defense you need to get
across the bridge, or defend it at all costs! All weapon
combinations allowed. As they have had time to set up defense
for their important strategic position the defenders may have
unlimited ammunition. Attackers may have as much ammunition
as they can carry on their person. Unlimited war machines for
defenders, attackers are limited to one. There will be one
bridge and one ford to get across the river. Be careful of
the ford, the rocks are slippery, and if a foot slips into
the water you shall be swept away by the current! Each round
lasts 10 mins, or until victory has been achieved. Attackers
win by either killing all their enemies,  or by having
both feet on the opposing shore for 3 seconds or more. One
foot doesn’t count, and a flying leap onto the shore won’t do
any good if you’re killed directly afterwards. Defenders win
by killing all their enemies, or holding out for the full
time. Best 2 out of 3 rounds wins.  

Scenario 3: Kill ’em All!!!
  Open field annihilation battle! All weapon
combinations allowed, unlimited war machines and ammo
allowed.. Victory conditions? Kill everyone on the other
team! Best 2 out of 3 rounds wins.  

Scenario 4: Regicide!
  Our noble and honourable leader has decided to take
the field! One of the leaders from each faction will come
forward as the General to lead his/her troops. This battle is
personal, and must be face to face fighting, so no firearms
allowed! If you kill their leader the enemy army will
scatter! Unlimited resurrections from the res points for the
troops, the General only has one life.  

Rules for the
Rule one: Be careful!    In the heat of battle it’s
easy to get excited and lose control, but keep it together.
As exciting as it might be to take a flying leap over
someone’s head, it’s dangerous and we don’t want anyone
getting injured. As well, if you’re behind someone, REMEMBER
THE DEATH FROM BEHIND RULES! There will be no headshots with
a rapier from behind. We have puncture proof protection, but
it still hurts like heck when you get slammed there. To keep
it simple, stay in control and be safe out there.  

Rule Two: Cart..ridge?   Quick loading cartridges
weren’t invented until the 1800s! It’s easy to pull a rubber
band over the gun and then shoot it off fast, but in period
times that wasn’t the case. You had to load powder and shot,
wadding etc. It took time to load a gun and we’re going to
reflect this. While loading a gun you must count to 5 before
firing it. If it takes you one second to load a rubber band,
you must count 4 more seconds before you may fire that shot
off. If you need to carry 15 loaded guns(and can do so
safely) more power to you, but you must take time to reload
each gun.  

Rule Three. The usual Rules still apply.   We’ve been
through many wars and a lot of rules still apply. Death from
behind, bucklers being destroyed by gunfire etc are all
regular rules and I don’t think we need to go over every
little one. If you’re a veteran to wars you know them
already. If you’re new, ask one of your peers and they can
fill you in on the regular rules as well as give you some
words of advice and strategy.  

A Tie?   Yes there are 4 scenarios in the war. In the
case of a tie there will be a champions match. Each team will
choose 5 champions to fight in three 5 vs. 5 champions
matches. The winning team will win the war!  

will be held outdoors in the afternoon. The theme of the
tournament will be announced prior to its commencement.

each hour of service, a token will be given and the volunteer
will decide which side will receive the token. The side with
the most tokens by the end of the feast wins the point.


Site opens at 7 p.m. on
Friday and closes just before noon on Sunday.
Showers are available on site.
Free overnight camping Friday and Saturday morning (take down
at 8am each morning).

Potluck dinner on Saturday
at 6pm. A lovely assortment of main dishes will be provided
by the Borealis Culinary Guild.
Please bring a side dish or dessert contribution for 6-8
people. All dishes need to provide an ingredients list as
there are food sensitivities.  

Site fee: Adults $11.00,
youth 12-17 $5.00, children under 12 free, $3.00 non-member
Please make cheques payable to ASCA Barony of Borealis. 

Merchant Liaison: Joan the Just (Joan
Reader)780 986 6623 or email
Preregistered and confirmed
Merchants are welcome. All others will be turned away.  

Autocrat: Suna Einarsdottir (Su Hardy)
780-938-8300 or email: Apt 5 14111 103 Ave
Edmonton, AB T5N 3W3  



7pm Site

830 Cut and Thrust Inspection
9am Cut and Thrust
930 Rapier Inspection
10am Rapier
1230pm Heavy Inspection
1pm Heavy War
Archery Inspection
3pm Archery Tournament
530pm Feast begins
7pm Children’s Court
730pm Court
9pm Revel/Bardic  

Noon Site


This page for event id 5177 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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