Irish Feast


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Barbara Svarthardt
Date: March 28 , 2009
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 28th 2009
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
First United Methodist Church
206 Cowlitz Way Kelso, WA 98626

Permission to conflict received.

Join the goode folkes of the Shire of
Rivers Bend in celebrating their 24th annual Irish Feast.
This year we will be celebrating our Irish families and
history with all things Irish. We invite all of the folks of
the Kingdom of An Tir to bring their Irish bits, foods and
skills to our feast and share. Wear your finest Irish garb
and have fun.

An auction of baked goods;
the proceeds of which will be donated to the Shires Archery
corps for loaner equipment and supplies. A subtlety compition
will be held (an Irish theme preferred). Children’s
equestrian and the pied piper of the Shire will entertain the
wee folks. Other fun events to be added.

We are working on bringing
University classes to the event as well. Classes will incur a
separate fee.

There will be HL Thyra’s traveler
lunch, stew/soup, biscuit and brownie for a donation of a
mere $3.00

There will be a potluck dinner
donations by mundane last name with a bardic compition while
we dine. As always we will find our King and Queen of
Misrule. Perhaps we can get Dam Arwin to teach a traditional
dance or 2.

Pot luck dishes as follows
by mundane last name: A – F: Bread and Cheeses; G
– L: Side Dishes/Vegetables; M – S: Main Dishes;
T – Z: Deserts/Fruits. There is
a kitchen at
this site and you will be able to clean your feast gear. This
site is a church and it is DRY SITE


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