Fall Feast and Masque


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Guy Beaugrande de Champaign
Date: November 3 , 2007
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on November 3th 2007
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

The Feast of Vlad

Come one come all… If you dare feast in the celebration of Vlad Tepes

 This true Romanian Feast is being held in honour of the Son of the
 Dragon (Dracula)

 Feast and Masque ( Halloween Celebration ) – Vlad might be there

 Nov 3, 2007 4pm – 12am Licenced

The Lodge

150 North Cariboo Highway
100 Mile House, BC Canada
V0K 2E0
Make your best way to 100 Mile House. BC
From the south, traveling north on Hwy 97, the Lodge location is on the left,  after Tim Hortons just behind the Red Coach Inn, on the north end of town. 

  You may think of him as a monster. Some think of him as a hero. Over
 the centuries he has been transformed, by story tellers, into a
 vampire, an immortal fiend who lives off of the blood of his victims.

 Vlad became known for his brutal punishment techniques; he often
 ordered people boiled, decapitated, blinded, strangled, hanged,
 burned, roasted, hacked, nailed, buried alive, stabbed, etc. He also
 liked to cut off noses, ears, and other apendages. But his favorite
 method was impalement, hence the surname "Tepes" which means "The

 Dispite the horrors, that he inflicted, Vlad is still considered one
 of the greatest Romanians who ever lived.  His brutal tactics, many
 say, saved his country and his people, from losing their culture,
 their Catholic faith and their lives to the Turkish invaders, who had
 already conquered so much.

 We invite you to his court for a great feast. After you drink and eat,
 will Vlad (Dracula) order the hall boarded up and set on fire?

The Address is:
For Tickets Contact the Autocrat Guy Beaugrand de Champaigne
7 removes
(blood not one of them)
 1st    Paine, Branza, Maslina
( bread, cheese, olive spread )
2nd   Supa de Varza cu Sfecla
( cabbage soup with beet)
3rd    Mamaliga cu Branza
( mamaliga with cheese)
4th    Impaiat Frunza de Vita de Vie
( stuffed grape leaves)
5th   Ghivetch cu Obraznicie
( baked vegetables with sauce)
6th    Saramura Carne
( Skewered brined meat )
7th   Colt de Nuca
( nut corners)
$25 per person non members $21 members.
Len Doucette   250 –791- 6689  wk 250 791 5225 ext 225
gbeaugrand@gmail.com mailto:gbeaugrand@gmail.com
Modern Name and address:
Len Doucette
PO Box 10027
108 Mile Ranch, BC
Canada, V0K 2Z0
Make cheques payable to SCA  Shire of Coill Mhor

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