Harvest Tourney- Crimson Sky War


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Lindis de Aquisgranno
Date: October 6 , 2006 until October, 8 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 6th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on October 8th 2006

Event site:
Willamette Mission State Park
10991 Wheatland Rd NE Gervais, OR 97026

Harvest Tourney/Crimson Sky WAR

 Barony of Terra Pomaria

 October 6, 7, 8 2006

EVENT WEBSITE  http://dame-elspeth.50megs.com/crimson_sky.htm


As the summer fades away the sky will turn crimson in the Barony of Terra Pomaria. Come help us defend our lands from the threat of a long cold winter on Friday the 6th of October at Willamette Mission State Park in Kaiser Oregon with the return of Crimson Sky War. In addition to the war there will be a Two Man tournament to celebrate the harvest and the great bounty of our barony will go to the most worthy fighters on the field. Archers, Bring your Bows to help us hunt to build up our supplies for winter and Bards bring your baric talents for all to celebrate and listen to by the warmth of our fire. Artisans Come display your wears and rapier fighters come hone your skills.

 Autocrat: HL Lynnarra (mka Eleshia Ledridge) 4372 Pullman Ave se, Salem Oregon 97302 Phone; (503)540-8685 (no calls after 9pm please) Email: Lynnarra@hotmail.com

Co-autocrat: HL Thomas Sinclair Email: Templardude@hotmail.com

Merchantcrat: HL Muireann (Murna Marshall)  marshall@spiritone.com

Site Info: Gate Opens At 3pm on Friday the 6th. Site closes @ 12 noon on Sunday Site fee Weekend: $15 Adult/ ($3 NMS) Youth (12-17): $10 Child(5-11):$5 Daytrip: Adult $10 Youth $5 Child $5 Make Checks Payable to The Barony of Terra Pomaria

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