The Grand Thing


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Ivon Drengr
Date: May 26 , 2006 until May, 29 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on May 26th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on May 29th 2006

Event site:
Skamania County Fairgrounds
650 SW Rock Creek Drive Stevenson, WA 98648

The Grand Thing
May 26-29, 2006

The Barony of Stromgard and the village of Bjorgvin would like to invite you all to A Grand Thing. This will be a period event focusing on Norse and Irish traditions of the Viking era with fighting, contests, games and a grand feast! There will be a multi-weapons tournament, a Viking raiders tournament of ships, and a monastery raid where you keep what booty you can escape with. There will be contests in, axe/spear throwing, archery, wrestling and more. A siege-cooking contest “Barbarians at the Gate” the Norsemen are coming! Bring whatever you need to feed 30 warriors and maybe they will go away, leftovers will be used at the potluck feast. Many contests and games for children of all ages so come join us. Site has water, electric, and bathrooms with pay showers.

Site opens 1PM on Friday closes 1PM Monday.
Site fee: adults-$12.00 (add $3 for non-members), children-12-17-$6.00, under 12 free, family cap-$30. Day pass-$5.00. Make checks payable to Barony of Stromgard.

Merchant fee: A donation to the prize chest. The earlier problem with insurance has been resolved and we now have a Merchantcrat (listed below).

Pre-Registration: Forms and information available at Baronial website

A percentage of the profits will be donated to the Kingdom Travel Fund.

Autocrat: Sgt. Ivon Drengr (Jerry Barber), 7416 NE 72ndAve Vancouver, WA98661 (360) 253-2350 not after 9PM.

Co-Autocrat: Finnr Skeggason (Dave Hulegaard), 3790 Wilshire Lane Eugene, OR97405 (541) 579-1311 not after 9PM.

Merchantcrat: Lord Stanton MacLlyr (John Deschner) Camas, WA. or 360-834-5186, not after 9PM.

Schedule of Events:

Friday: 8 AM set-up begins
1 PM Gate opens
6 PM Meet and Greet with the Baron of Stromgard

Saturday: 9 AM Armor inspection begins
10 AM Multi-Weapons tourney begins
10 AM Siege Cooking “Barbarians at the Gate” begins
10 AM A&S Displays begin in exhibit hall
1 PM Archery, Caber, and Foot race competition begins
4 PM Archery, Caber, and Foot race competition ends
5 PM Siege Cooking ends
5 PM A&S Displays ends in exhibit hall
6 PM Potluck Feast Begins in exhibit hall
8 PM Bardic Circle

Sunday: 9 AM Armor inspection begins
10 AM Monastery Raid begins
1 PM Spear, and Axe competition begins
3 PM Spear, and Axe competition ends
3 PM Baroness Tea
3 PM Tournament of Ships begins
5 PM Norse Stick-ball Game.
7 PM Baronial Court
9 PM Bardic Circle

Monday: 1 PM Site closes and clean-up begins

This page for event id 4462 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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