Wastekeep Rapier War


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Jack Tyler
Date: March 22 , 2003 until March, 23 2003
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 22th 2003
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on March 23th 2003

Event site:
Waitsburg Fairgrounds
E 10th Street Waitsburg, WA 99361

Wastekeep Rapier War OR Trouble in the really low countries.

Journey to Wastekeep on March 22 and help recreate the raid by dastardly Corsican pirates on the unsuspecting people of Luxembourg.

Site opens at 8:30 AM to setup. Fighting starts at 11:00 and ends at 4:00. There will be 5 different scenarios. Open Field, Highway Robbery in the Woods, Foraging for Sheep, Board the Ship, Last Stand at the Castle. Bring your pistols.

Ithra classes during the day: Blackwork and
Renaissance card games. You can register on site.

That night, the Spitting Duck Tavern will be open for games, belly dancing, gambling, dancing, and carousing. Travelers bring finger food (cheese, meat, fruit, hand held desserts, veggies, etc.) and your own drink. This is a wet site. The
Barony will provide bread and Miniature Scottish Turkey Legs. The populace of the Barony will bring soups, stews, desserts, or whatever else fits into a tavern type easy to eat while your standing at the gaming tables type food.

Best gambler contest: Everyone will start with a bag of coins and whoever increases their wealth the most wins. Thieves will have their hands cut off and their money confiscated.

The Tavern site will open at 5 PM with things to get rolling about 6:30 and close at midnight.

Call, or better yet, email for crash space.

Site Info: The day site will be Chiawana Park at Road 88 and Chiawana Drive in Pasco, WA 99301, on the Columbia River. The evening site is the Kennewick Valley Grange at 2611 S. Washington St. in Kennewick, WA, 99337

Site fees are Day only, adult: $4.00, Evening only adult:$4.00 or $8.00 for both. There will be a nonmember surcharge of $3.00. Children 12 and under are half price, with under 6 free. Make checks payable to The Barony of Wastekeep, SCA, Inc.

Autocrat: Don Jack Tyler (mka Dale Painter),1436 Rimrock Ave, Richland, WA 99352, (509) 627-0142, donjacktyler@cs.com

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