Arts Gathering 2001


Event Summary

Date: September 8 , 2001
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on September 8th 2001
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Unto all Artisans and Scientists, greeting and welcome from the Shire of
Dragon’s Mist! Come join us at the annual Arts Gathering on Saturday,
September 8 for a day of classes and workshops, arranged for the education
and delight of all — drumming, belly dance, ceramics (we hope), an all-day
demonstration by the Archers’ Guild on the construction of archery
equipment: here’s a board; make a bow. There will also be an Artisans’
Display for Laurel Comment during the afternoon, complete with comment
books — think of us as the perfect opportunity to field-test your
Known-World A & S entry without the stress of actual competition. Please
contact Mistress Arlys o Gordon at for information about the
Artisans’ Display. If you wish to display, she must hear from you no later
than September 1st. Static display will be in the afternoon; performance
displays will be held during the dinner hour, with moot, bardic, and general
schmoozing afterward.

The Gathering will be held in the Oak Grove Center at 1905 SE Oak Grove
Blvd., Milwaukie, Oregon 97267, from 10 AM to 10 PM (site opens at 9 AM for
set-up). Site fees: $5 for adults (over 18), $3 for children (5 – 17),
free for under-5’s. Lunch is bring-your-own (there are two big grocery
stores within a mile), but there is NO REFRIGERATOR SPACE. If you must
refrigerate, bring a cooler with your name on it — we have a safe place to
put it. Dinner will be potluck, with a cooking class providing the Main
Dish. By decree of the property owner, the site is both smoke- and
alcohol-free. Some crash space is available for those who must come from a
long distance.

How to Get There: From wherever you are take your best route to I-205
and go south or north, whichever will get you to Oregon City. Take Exit 9
(Oregon City/Gladstone). The exit ramp puts you directly on Hwy. 99E (aka
McLoughlin Blvd.); turn right (north) and go 4.0 miles to the traffic light
at Oak Grove Blvd — watch for the Fred Meyer on the right. Turn left
(west) onto Oak Grove and travel 0.6 mile (carefully observing the
half-a-block hiccup to the right about halfway down) to the Oak Grove
Center, a large, two-story building on the right. There will be signs.
Parking is all around the building. Please enter on the Oak Grove Blvd.
side. We will be most pleased to see you.

Ellen Cameron
14222 SE Laurie Ave. Milwaukie, Oregon 97267

Hachisbaer Jordsdottir

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