Tri-Baronial Yule


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Ronan MacGuaire
Date: December 16 , 2017
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on December 16th 2017
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
St. Helens Armory
474 S. 7th. Street St. Helens, OR 97051

Tri baronial Yule

Come one, come all to celebrate Yule with the Baronies
of Dragon’s Mist, Three Mountains and Stromgard! Feast,
Dance,  Play Games and be Merry!! 

Event Time: 9am to 8pm

No Site fee

!!! Please Note : This is a Dry Site !!!

We have many festivities listed below!

There will be a beard decorating contest where teams
will compete for :

Best Theme


Most Festive

You may enter a beard as a team.
One is the decorator and the other is the subject.

There will also be a Period PJ Contest
The judging will be taking place during the first half of the day.
There will be a designated table to put the PJ’s on.
There will be four categories:


Most festive

Best theme

The winners will be announced at court.
Populace will be encouraged to wear their period Pj’s to court for

We also have Champion’s Choice A&S competition:
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced levels, with great prizes!

We also have a Desert competition! Please include a
3×5 card with your ingredients. It will be judged at Lunch feast
with the remainder left over to snack on.

There will also be a station set up to receive Granny
Squares for the relief blankets that Lisa has so generously been
working towards. So If you can knit or crochet and would like to
donate an 8″ granny square in pure acrylic yarn there will be a
spot to do so.

Tentative Schedule:
– Gate Open : 9 AM
– Laurel Meeting : 10am – 12:30pm
– Stromguard Dancing: 11am
– Children’s Activity – Snowflakes : 10:45am
– Heavy and Rapier Start: 10:30am
– Lunch Feast : 12:00pm
– Dessert Competition to be judged at Lunch
– Children’s Activity – Bardic Circle: 1 pm
– Thrown and 3M Youth Championship start: 1:30pm
– Children’s Activities – Cookie Decorating: 3pm-4pm
–  Champions Choice A&S Competition Judging : 3pm
– Period PJ competition Judging : 3:30pm
– Beard Decorating Competition Judging : 4pm
– Closing Court : 4:15pm
– Dinner Feast : 6pm
– Father Yule: end of feast
– Clean up and site close by 8pm

Breads and Meats Provided, a potluck soon to be
Stay tuned as we Finalize plans!

We cant wait to see you there!

Yours in Service,
Your Event stewards Lord Ronan Macquire, Lívi Astrajord, and Lord
Gundahar Holtzsson

This page for event id 6820 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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