Celtic Revolt


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Sechequr Qara
Date: May 27 , 2016 until May, 30 2016
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on May 27th 2016
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on May 30th 2016

Event site:
Lancaster Estates
6325 Highway 291 Nine Miles Falls, WA 99026


Celtic Revolt
Barony of Wealdsmere
May 27th-30th, 2016
Spokane, WA 

A truly heinous horde of Mongols has threatened invasion of
Wealdsmere lands! Their terms are absolute surrender, pay a lofty
tribute, or death. Baron Lars and Baroness Kara send a call to arms
and request your aid in showing these bloodthirsty riders that we
will not cave to their demands but instead show them the true
meaning of slaughter!

Plus, we can’t spell slaughter without the word laughter, so
please one and all come join us for a weekend filled with fun,
fighting, and yaks!

Friday site will be open at noon for entry; there will also be
some activities in addition to a torchlight event, yet to be
determined. Saturday brings WAR!  Heavy, rapier and YAC
battles are planned, more complete info will be provided soon.
A&S competitions, a bevy of brined delicacies competition run
by Baroness Kara, as well as a few other to be announced
non-martial activities will be available. 

As per the usual, Sunday will be devoted entirely to the
Wealdsmere Baronial Championships for Heavy combat, Rapier combat,
Arts & Sciences, and Youth Armored Combat; further information
provided below for specifics to each championship. Site will close
Monday at noon! All attendees will be required to be packed up and
off site absolutely no later than noon, no exceptions. While there
will be a dumpster available, it is highly encouraged and asked for
that if you pack it in, please pack it out!

Merchants! We welcome you all with open arms and invite you to
sell your wares at this lovely event! Aside from the site fee for
entry, no additional fee will be required for you to merchant, we
ask instead that you donate one item of your choosing to be used as
a champion prize or largess. Please direct all inquiries to the
event Steward: THL Sechequr Qara (Sean Pennington)
Pennington.SeanM@gmail.com or my FB page if we are friended on
social media, Thanks!


Celtic Revolt 2016 Schedule of

(Subject to change, subject to being incorrect
due to Ailionara’s brain errors, subject to typos and misspelled
May cause tire wear, dry heaving, or excessive body odor)


12:00 PM         Site Opens
for Merchants 

3:00 PM          
Site Opens for Populace

7:00 PM          
Blacksmith Intro Class (Closes at 10)

8:15 PM          
Table Top Siege Tournament (Closes at 10)



 8:00 AM        
Sergeants Meeting

9:30 AM          YAC
Armor Inspection

10:00 AM        Announcement

10:30 AM        YAC War

    Heavy and Rapier Armor Inspection

    Medieval Dye Class (Closes at

11:00 AM        Archery Opens
(Closes at 1)

    A&S Populous Choice Opens (Closes at 3)

    Nalbinding Class (Closes at 12)

    Siege Cooking Meeting (If you’re participating, you
must be at this meeting)

11:30 AM        Heavy

    Rapier War

12:00 PM        Pickling Contest Opens
(Closes at 2)

12:30 PM        Bobbin Lace
Class (Closes at 2:30)

    Viking Embroidery 101 Class (Closes
at 1:30)

1:00 PM          Spinning
Class (Closes at 2)

1:30 PM          Kids
Archery (Closes at 2:30)

2:00 PM          Ladies Wine and
Cheese (Closes at 4)

2:30 PM          Archery
Opens (Closes at 5)

3:00 PM          Siege Cooking Opens
(Closes at 6)

   Needle Lace Class (Closes at

    Basic Gaidhlig Class (Closes at

3:30 PM          Youth Scavenger Hunt
(Closes at 4:30)

4:00 PM          Yak Attack (Closes
at 5:30ish)

    Tablet 101 Class (Closes
at 5:30)

4:30 PM          Basic Brew
Class (Closes at 5:30)

6:00 PM          Siege Cooking
Judging (Closes at 6)

    Bardic Competition (Closes at 8ish)

8:00 PM          Belly Dance
Class (Closes at 9)

    Glowstick Archery (Closes
at 9:30) 

9:00 PM (ish)   Kinder Storytime with Her



9:00 AM         

9:30 AM          YAC
Armor Inspection

    Mongo Fight.. Mongo Hurt People
Class (Closes at 10:30)

10:00 AM        YAC
Championship (Closes at 11)

10:30 AM        Heavy Armor

11:00 AM        Heavy Championship

    The Florentines on Fighting Florentine
Class (Closes at 12)

    Archery Championship (Closes at 1, but reopens at

11:30 AM        What You Need To Know About
YAC Cass (Closes at 12:30)

11:45 AM        Rapier

12:00 AM        Rapier
Championship Tournament

    A&S Championship

2:00 AM          Archery Championship
Continues (Closes at 4)

5:00 PM          Court (Closes 6:30

7:00 PM          Blacksmith



12:00             Site Closes



Fighting Classes:

Mongo Fight……
Mongo Hurt People:  Basic Two Handed and Single Handed

Instructor:  Sir Osrik Rolfson

Well hell, do you want to pound someone into the ground?
 Then come to “how to fight with a two handed and single
handed axe”. Heavy armor required, bring an axe if you own it.
Class will discuss how to build and how to fight with two handed
and single handed axe.

Class limit:  all are welcomed.

Time:  Approximately however long it takes to get the
general idea, Sunday


What you need to know
about Youth Armored Combat

Instructor:  HL Caelwin

Your child wants to fight. Where do you start? How do you get
them armor, sword and shield? At Celtic Revolt, we’ll discuss all
this and more. We’ll talk about the rules and what’s required to
participate safely. I’ll bring several examples of homemade youth
armor, and show what can be put together with limited tools and
skills to get your youth fighter out on the fighting field, and
what you can do to make their fighting kit stand out from the other
fighters. Class requirements: Nothing. Bring a willingness to learn
and discuss youth armor with others.

Class Limit:  

Time: 1 hour approximate

Cost:  $0


The Florentines on
Fighting Florentine

Instructor:  Master Killian MacThoy and Don Gomez

An introduction to fighting based on 7 period masters…..or how
to fight gud with two swords based on dead white guys.

Class Limit:  Unlimited

Time:  1-2 hours

Cost: $0


Alcohol Classes:


Instructor: HL Aonghus Vandgylðir

Learn more about the differences and similarities between modern
and medieval alcoholic beverages, methods and how you can mimic
medieval brewing at home. Over  21 only as some tasters will
be available. Questions welcomed. No fee but donations to your
hosting barony are encouraged.

Class Limit: 8, all participants must be 21 or older

Time: 1 hour


Fiber Classes:  

Tablet Weaving


PLEASE EMAIL rkleinpaste76@gmail.com
with your SCA name.

Instructor: Sir Brynjolfr Fjallgiersson

This class is designed around the novice tablet weaver.  In
this class I will go through basic terminology and tools that are
used to weave with as well as hands on tablet weaving that the
students will get to take with them at the end of the class. I will
be providing: String, Cards, Shuttle, Terminology handout,
Reference handout. You will be providing:  Attention,
patience, something to drink (two hours can be a bit of time
without refreshment!).  We might need chairs too…not sure
about that one yet. During the class we will be doing basic warping
and weaving of your first project as a tablet weaver.  From
the basic weave I will be able to show you simple things that will
make even the most basic weave into something of awe!
Cost:  $10
Class Limit: 5-7 actual participants.  I welcome all who want
to observe and learn for free.
Time: 2 hours

Viking Embroidery
Instructor: Lady Sigrùn Osrikswife
Introduction to Viking embroidery.  Several basic embroidery
stitches will be demonstrated and practiced.  Demonstrations
will include how to embellish seams as well as make a nifty design
on a tunic, apron, or dress.
Class size: 12
Age: 12 + (children must be accompanied by an adult)
Cost: Free!
What to bring: a chair, thread scissors if you have them

Spinning with Period
Tools: Take Your Persona to the Next Level

Instructor:   Lady Ursula de Stratton, Q.C.
Many SCA-dians enjoy hand spinning their own yarn or thread, but
very few like to use period tools or technique. It is not uncommon
to hear people complain that drop spindles are “too slow” and
period spindles are “too wobbly,” and many people simply prefer
spinning on a spinning wheel.  This class, suitable for
beginners and experienced spinners alike, will explore how using
period tools can make hand spinning quick, easy, fun, and
educational.  Topics covered will include fiber processing,
comparison of modern drop spindles with period spindles, and how
the distaff is the tool that will set your spinning free.
Instructor will provide an ounce of wool for each participant, and
will have a selection of tools for you to see and try, plus
distaffs and spindles for you to try. Bring your own tools and
fiber if you have them!  
Class limit: 10 students.  
Time: 60 minutes (probably extending into an informal spinning
circle after class)


Introduction to Bobbin

Instructor: HL Kathleen O’Donnelly

In this class, students will be given the opportunity to work a
simple pattern for a versatile tape lace.  Each student will
be given a kit consisting of a simple pillow, a pricked pattern,
enough filled bobbins and pins to work the pattern, and a write-up
of the use of bobbin lace in period.  

Cost: If desired, students keep the kits for $15.  

Class size: 6 persons

Time: 1 minimum; 2 hours likely.


Medieval Period

Instructor: HL Una of Grimwith
This class will discuss a short history of dyes used in Europe from
the 400 ce through the Middle Ages, with the focus being on Woad,
Weld and Madder. Dye pots will be available for use but please
limit your dyeing  to 6 oz of spun fiber only of wool, silk or
linen no roving or loose fiber please . Your fiber MUST be
pre-washed AND  pre- soaked the night before and kept wet (zip
lock bag) when you arrive at the class.

Class Limit: 6

Time: 2+ hours

Cost:  Donation for dye pots


Introduction to Needle

Instructor:  Lady Kathleen O’Donnelly

After a brief discussion of what needle lace is and how it was
used in period, the class will be taught a simple needle lace
edging.  Materials needed are a fine blunt-tipped tapestry or
cross-stitch needle, regular sewing thread, and a hemmed piece of
fabric on which the edging will be worked.  

Cost:  Kits will be available for $5, which will include a
needle, linen thread, and a small hemmed square of linen on which
to practice.  

Class size: 6 persons

Time:  1 hour minimum; 2 hours likely.



Instructor: Sigrid the Vinlandr

Learn the basics of Nalbinding.

Class Limit: 10

Time: 1 hour

Dance Classes:

Basic Belly

Instructor: Baroness Araveire
Basic belly dance and technique for
Class Limit:
Time: 1 hour +


Instructor: HL Roland Fletcher or Lady Ursula de Stratton,
Weather permitting, basic country

Class Limit: unlimited

Time: Dependent on participants

Metal Working Classes:

Smelting Iron from

Instructor: HL Michael of Lancaster
and HL Takakane from Lyonsmarche
This will be going on near the bardic circle.  Forrest will be
feeding the smelter, using charcoal that he and I made ourselves.
 When the time comes to break it open (sometime in the
evening), he and I will compact it from a spongy “bloom” into
workable iron.  Safety equipment will be provided to a few
experienced assistants, everyone else must stay far back–there
will be flying sparks and white-hot burning materials.

Time:  All day Saturday

Intro to

Instructor:  HL Michael of Lancaster

Learn about the basics of blacksmithing:  Safety equipment,
using the hammer and anvil, and simple techniques: shaping,
bending, twisting, tapering, punching, splitting, and scrolling.
 Open forge starting around 8, with experienced smiths allowed
to work on projects or teach at their discretion.  I’ll be
making things, even if nobody else is.  The forge closes when
either I close it or one of my assistants does. There are 3 anvils
inside the smithy and limited space inside the forge, so no more
than 6 small projects at any one time.  Observers are allowed,
but must wear eye protection.  If weather allows, the outside
forge may be fired up as well, allowing up to 3 more people (one to
turn the bellows).

Limited:  6

Time:  Friday 7 PM

Cost:  Donations accepted

Basic Blacksmithing

Instructor: HL Michael of Lancaster

New people get to make small, useful projects such as S hooks,
bottle openers, or lantern hangers.  
The forge closes when either I close it or one of my assistants

Class Limit: Unlimited

Time:  Sunday 7 PM

Cost:   Donations accepted


Language Classes:

Basic Gaidhlig

Instructor: HL Aonghus Vandgylðir

Want to really celebrate the Celtic side of the revolt? Learn
some very basic Scottish gaidhlig while learning the history of the
language in period.  Hand out to take home provided.
 Questions welcomed.  Unlimited space.  No class fee
but donations to the hosting barony are encouraged.

Class Limit: Unlimited

Time: 1 hour

Events, Games, Scenarios, and

Friday Night Table-Top Siege Weapons Tourney

Weapons must be no larger than: 18 inches wide, 18 inches long,
24 inches high. Measurements will be taken while the weapon is
unloaded and in a resting position (Not cocked).

Weapon must be light enough to be fired from an old card table
found at a thrift store (Provided at contest free of charge!).

Prizes will be awarded for Range, Accuracy, Style and

Munitions may be of the following shapes: Livestock (Plague
infested or otherwise, no real animals please!), Simulated rocks,
Simulated bolts, Simulated flaming objects (No real fire!).


Suggested construction materials: Wood, Shoe boxes, Cardboard,
Bicycle inner tubes, Rubber bands, Old kitchen tools, Bandaids, or
things in your junk drawer.


These do not need to be period, but they should make your judges
giggle and “Oooh” and “Aaah”. Please have a blast building your
contraption (OR ELSE!) Pictures and documentation are not required,
but would be fun to look at if you happened to find some along your


Children are encouraged to enter the contest and participate.
Adults too. However, only one weapon per living person will be

Please contact Lord Olaf (robertmccallum@gmail.com) for
more info.


Brining Competition

The last of the Baroness’s Pickling contests is happening this
Celtic!! Prizes for best pickled/brined fruit, veggie, actual
pickle, meats/eggs, the weirdest pickled item, and the most unique!
 Refrigerated or canned; doesn’t matter as long as it is safe
to eat. 🙂  Each entrant must provide one large quart jar
or two small pint jars for judging, along with a
description card.  You may enter items for persons not
present, however they must be named as the maker of the item.

Contact Baroness Kara (rkleinpaste76@gmail.com) for
more info.

A & S
Populace Choice

For this year’s A&S populace choice competition, we request
that you enter something that reminds you of Mongolia.. Something
hairy.. Something.. Big.. And tasty.. And warm. Oh, a yak! Please
go to Mongolia and bring us yaks! What do you mean you don’t have
enough time to get a passport, fly to Mongolia, steal a yak (or
ten), and then bring them to this year’s Celtic Revolt?! Blasphemy!
Well, I guess that’s understandable. Instead of bringing a yak,
please inspire the populace with your skills in the arts and
sciences by entering something that you feel represents this year’s
theme: Mongols Invade Western Europe.

Ladies Wine and

A social hour for Ladies Of All Types
Come join us for a relaxed social hour of wine, cheese and other
snacks. Please bring a bottle of your favorite wine or soft drink
and a snack to share.
We’ll provide crackers, paper plates and napkins. Bring your own
cup. All ladies, and those who are willing to dress as ladies, are
invited to join us. (Remember no facial hair should show!)
I know I’m looking forward to enjoying a pleasant afternoon
conversation with all of you!
Honorable Lady Avacyn Geriksdocther



Hosted by Will and Janet Fletcher, we will once again have our
glowstick archery fun! (More information to come!)



It’s birthing season for the yaks of Mongolia and what better
time would there be to acquire a few calves for your family!? Join
Lady Ailionara as she attempts to capture a few of the yak babies
for her own secretive purposes… But wait, who are these Western
Europeans getting in her way? And, of course, the Mongols have also
decided to partake in the yak thievery. Choose a side and attempt
to capture as many yaks as possible, but tread carefully and with
strategy, for you can be certain that your enemies will not make
this endeavor easy.



Do you have a pot (just one!)? Do you have some spare firewood
lying around?! Do you enjoy having no idea what ingredients you’ll
be able to use to create a dish worthy enough to woo the judges and
fill the bellies of the populous? Then join Kaylee for siege
cooking this Celtic Revolt!



  • You will be cooking in a single pot (self provided) over a
    natural flame (of your creation).
  • You must use all of the ingredients given to you.
  • Spices are communal.


How do you get your ingredients? Excellent question! You will
choose a heavy fighter filled with bravery and skill on the
battlefield! You must watch your fighter and encourage them to
defeat their enemies with honor, and with the knowledge that every
time he/she dies you are left with fewer and less favorable
ingredients. You will be in charge of tracking your fighter’s
deaths. The cook with the fighter who has had the least amount of
deaths will get the first bag (with the best ingredients the land
has to offer) and the cook with the fighter who has had the most
amount of deaths will get the last bag (with ingredients gathered
by a rabid squirrel).


You will be judged on tastiness-the Yum Factor, the
heartiness-how filling is it?, and volume-you are cooking for a
siege after all! There will be a panel of judges and then populace
choice as well.




Our scenarios will put you to the test.. Of not only your
ability to fight, but your ability to strategize and overcome your
enemies while they have the advantage. Please join us, and your
War-O-Crat Sir Tighearnach, for this year’s Celtic Revolt’s
Battles! They’re really long. And detailed. And sound like a lot of
fun! Here’s a link to them:




To our brothers and sisters who wield slim-steel-blades does
Wealdsmere call on for war! Master Killian has cooked up some truly
devious scenarios that will test your teamwork and determination to
win! Come prepared with blades in hand, and RBG’s primed and ready
for some traditional scenarios, and a few Mongol inspired ones as

  1. Scouts Deep in Enemy
    You and your partner find yourself deep behind
    enemy lines and must survive. Teams of two, last man standing, no
    rez, with and without RBG’s.
  2. Is There a Doctor in
    the House?

    Mongol medicine is state of the art. Team battles with unlimited
    resurrections, as long as you keep your doctor alive.
  3. RBG’s Are Your

    Mongol mounted archers hit and run tactics were the best. Rapid
    fire mobile RBG only for this scenario.


YAC Scenarios

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! In addition to the fantastic YAC Championship
on Sunday, YAC combatants will participate in a Grand Melee, and
another tournament style, on Saturday.   Both adults and
youth fighters alike will take to the field with padded weapons, in
an unlimited resurrection battle until everyone is too tired to




Please note all tournaments will run no longer than 1.5 hours
with exception of Archery and A & S Judging.  All
competitors for the Championship are required to join the Champions
Processional and name a consort on Sunday morning.  Heraldic
display and an introduction are encouraged.  



Double Elimination, no weapons restrictions.



From Cormac MacTaran :  Hello, peoples! Your Baronial
rapier champion (that would be me) is here to announce the
tournament format to decide your next Baronial rapier champion at
Celtic revolt.
It’s simple: round robin, bring your best weapon style, everyone
fights everyone, fighter with the most wins fights the current
Champion to determine the new rapier champion.  That’s it.
Good luck, everyone.



Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Bring your Youth Armored Combatants (YAC) to
the Barony of Wealdsmere’s Celtic Revolt extravaganza, cloth them
for the spectacle of an armored tournament in the Pas de Arms
tradition, and be prepared to be bedazzled by their rare and
decorous finery, and amazing skill at arms! All YAC fighters will
parade with their patrons, sponsors and/or beneficiaries (parents)
before the representatives of the Crown and populous, boldly
announcing themselves and their intent to compete, while also
(perhaps?) boasting of their prowess. Please come prepared to make
as grand of an entrance as possible, with someone to herald your
competitor’s great accomplishments, history of achievements, a
great story, etc. Immediately following the parade will be two
tournaments, consisting of first fighting single-handed weapons
over a barrier (a sawhorse or log) with counted blows (three hits
and you’re out), and then matched great weapons (no thrusting with
two-handed weapons allowed).



Single or team entrants must prepare two (2) entries and be
ready to perform one (1) for competition and one (1) in case of a
tiebreaker.  Judging forms will be released in May so entrants
may be better prepared.  


A &

Per Master Sir Jorg:  A & S champion will require one
(1) entry with basic documentation and a brief verbal presentation
in order to qualify for the championship.


Are you looking for a great way to give back and don’t know
where to start. The event team is always in need of

Gate:  Must be 18 and a blue card holder
if willing to sit gate.

Voice heralds: Have you ever wanted to see how
well your voice travels? Are you good at talking to people in a
loud but soothing voice? Try out being a Voice herald, there’s not
much to it. If you are willing to give it a go, please contact the
Event Steward THL Sechequr Qara (Sean Pennington)
Pennington.SeanM@gmail.com or on my FB page if we are friended on
social media.

Marshals: Have you been certified to be a
marshal? Are you not able to fight?  Please help marshal both
the war and champions tourneys. If you are able to marshal please
contact the MIC 

All rules apply:  As per SCA policy, Marijuana is not
allowed on site AT ALL, underage drinking is not allowed – abusers
of this rule will be asked to leave site. Please keep pets on a
leash at all

times outside of your respective camp. See An Tir web page for
more legal information

Weekend Site fee: $14.00 Non-member surcharge applies, youth
under 16 years of age are permitted free entry

Day Trip Site fee: $11.00 Non-member surcharge applies, youth
under 16 years of age are permitted free entry

Site: 6325 HWY 291, Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026  

Site opens Friday the 27th at noon for merchants, and at 3
o’clock pm for all other attendees
Site closes Monday
the 30th at noon for all attendees, no exceptions.

Event Steward: THL Sechequr Qara (Sean Pennington) Pennington.SeanM@gmail.com
Event Co-Steward: Lady Ailionara Inghean Tighearnach trparkhurst1@gmail.com



This page for event id 6524 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
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