Hauksgaror Yule Feast


Hosted by Device of Hauksgarðr

The Shire of Hauksgarðr (Hood River and Wasco Counties, OR)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Otryggr of Haulksgaror
Date: December 20 , 2014
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on December 20th 2014
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Rockford Grange
4250 Barrett Dr Hood River, OR 97031

Hauksgarðr Yule


We would like to invite one and all to Yule
feast in our shire this year. This is a time to enjoy our
friendships and celebrate the end of a wonderful year with our SCA
family. It is intended to be a small gathering where we can all
come and just have a good time.


The festivities will be taking place at the
Rockford Grange in scenic Hood River, Or.

4250 Barrett Rd., Hood River, Or 97031


Site Fee is $7. RSVP would be appreciated
so we know how much to serve.


The shire will provide the main meat dish
and bread. Bring the salad, side dish or dessert that you make the
best. The site is discreetly wet..


We will be having a small gift exchange,
for anything that is either hand-made or “SCA useful”
Please keep the cost under $10. If you wish to participate, please
bring a gift. Please mark if it is appropriate for a man, woman, or
either one.


Santa’s elves have asked if you could
please let us know if you have children attending.


There will be a period food competition, so
bring your best dish made with ingredients that would have been
available to your persona in the winter.


There will also be a game tournament
throughout the day.



4:00 PM Site Opens

4-6 PM Games, social time and reveling.

6-8 PM Feasting and Gift Exchange

8-9 PM Cleanup, Reveling, Hugging,
Safe-trip wishing.

9:30 PM Site Closes


We look forward to seeing you!




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