Briaroak Birl


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Deidre ni Phadraig mac Griogair
Date: February 2 , 2013
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on February 2th 2013
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Neighborhood Church Of Christ
450 Hawthorne Street Sutherlin, OR

Lords & Ladies- Pray attend!! You are cordially invited to
our annualBriaroak Birl  & Carlos Memorial Tourney!!

We have a day of Noble combat in Heavy, Rapier & Thrown

We will have Arts & SciencesCompetitions, so bring your

We will be offering a Hearaldry “Do’s & Don’ts” Class,
an Etiquette & Courtesy class. A Herbs, Oils &
their uses class as well!

There are even a few surprises instore!

We will end the eve with a wonderful Scottish feast!

Merchants welcome, space is limited, so contact me if you
wish to sell your wares!

Please take note– THIS IS A DRY SITE!!

Site opens @ 10am/ closes @ 9pm


Event Steward: Deirdre ni Phadraig macGroirgair/ Dea Potter

581 N.E. Alameda Ave. #20, Roseburg OR, 97470/

541-670-7949 PLEASE leave msg- I will return call


 Fee: $10-adults, $5 kids 5-17yrs, under 5-free -$5 NMS in


This page for event id 5962 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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