War in the Oasis


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Seraphina Raleigh
Date: March 19 , 2011
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 19th 2011
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Oasis Park & Ephrata Recreation Center
112 Basin St SW Ephrata, WA 98823


The 20th annual War in the
Oasis 2011

Shire of
Ambergard (Grant County, WA) March 19th, 2011

Hail An Tir!
The Shire of Ambergard invites you once again to our annual


War In The Oasis


** “Dead from behind” applies in all scenarios,
just do it right!!! **

Scenario 1; Open Field

30 minutes, unlimited resurrections, archers welcome, pole
weapons welcome, fight to the last man, last man from army
wins the point for the scenario.

Scenario 2; Iron Squires

25 minutes, armies break themselves into units, Knights
divided equally to units and command them, squires/unbelted
fighters have unlimited resurrections, knights get 1
resurrection. As your unit’s Knights are eliminated,
squires/unbelted unit joins up to another unit. Squires are
resurrected by field marshall, Squires must “make
haste” to resurrecting marshall (run Forest run!!!!)
Knights must travel to resurrection point. The army with the
most Knights at the end of Scenario wins point.

Scenario 3; Chivalry vs. The World

30 minutes, (15 minutes per army inside the castle) Armies
have unlimited resurrections. Squires must “Make
Haste” to resurrection points! Fight to the last man.
The last man earns the scenario point for his
“original” army. (Archers get a break this

Scenario 4; Feed the Crows

No time limit, open field, no resurrections: dramatic and
loud deaths are encouraged. (Die where you are struck, but
not to worry….. Squires must put themselves to the
hazard to clear the dead.) Last man wins the point for their
army for the scenario.

Scenario 5; The Resurrector

No Time Limit, castle battle, unlimited resurrections. 15
minutes per army inside the castle. (Upon the whistle, the
occupying army charges out the door, and the new army runs
around the flanks of the castle to occupy: **Caution**
don’t get “captured” inside the castle by
the invading army or you become captive. (captive means you
are grabbed and your captor yells “prisoner!”)
Scenario point is won when there is no one left to run out
the castle door!

SCENARIOS and the winning army gets a prize  supplied by
Sir Lachlan
Food is
included in the gate fee. Food will be brought to the war
field and for

those with more
time the Tavern will have beef stew  and bread with
apple cream oat dessert
. Beverages are also
available although the SITE IS DRY.

When heavy fighting is
finishing snacks of meat, cheese, pickles and fruit will be
brought from the tavern for the

War/ Event Information: The
War Field is at Oasis Park, 2541 Basin Street SW,

Ephrata and it
will open Saturday, March 19th at 9:30 am. To get there take

best route to
Basin Street in Ephrata, Washington. (The main

through Ephrata
is Hwy 28/Basin Street). OASIS PARK is located at the

southwest edge
of town on Hwy 28. Watch for the SCA signs.

The Tavern
opens at 9:30 am and will have food and games and and warmth
if the

day is chilly.
It is also located in Ephrata on Hwy 28/112 Basin Street.

“Lady Agata’s
Memorial Rapier Tourney” will be held after the heavy

Field gate
opens at 9:30am. Site fee(includes lunch) is $8.00 for
adults, $4.00

for youth
(8-17) and children 7 and under free. Nonmember adult charge

$5.00, so bring
your member card.

Make checks payable to :
Shire of

Raleigh AKA Chandra Stevenson

510 Kentucky
Drive 509-766-9888

Moses Lake, WA

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