

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Cassandra le Rede
Date: November 28 , 2009
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on November 28th 2009
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
The Rancho at Timberlane Park
No street address provided Powell River, BC

The Harvest is in, the raiders have fled – it is time for
feasting! False Isle cordially invites you to our annual
Winter Feast.
Some music, entertainment and games will be provided, but we
welcome any and all performers, musicans, dancers and bards
to bring their best for our celebration! For more information
on our planned Bardic competition, please see our website at

The feast will be a pot luck dinner, with a Turkey and a Ham
provided by the Shire. The site is discreetly damp.

Site fee:  12 years old and over $10 (or $5 with a
donation to the food bank); under 12 years old a donation to
the food bank; Family cap $25; NMS surcharge of $4. Site
opens at 5pm with dinner at 6pm and will close around

If you have need of billeting please contact: Lady Cassandra
the Red 604-414-5331 or 

As there will be a limited number of seating and we really
want to see you please RSVP to Lady Cassandra the Red
(autocrat) as per above.

This page for event id 5191 was last updated: October 31, 2021
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