Dragonslayer/Hidden Treasures


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Lianor de Najera
Date: July 24 , 2009 until July, 26 2009
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on July 24th 2009
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on July 26th 2009

Event site:
Calgary Archer’s Club
241050 Range Rd 25 Calgary, AB

Dragonslayer / Hidden Treasures – Montengarde
July 24-26, Calgary Archers Club / Clearwater Brook Camping

The Barony of Montengarde and Their Excellencies Beothuk of
the Beothuks and Wilma the Still invite you to
Dragonslayer/Hidden Treasures, July 24-26, 2009.  Our
Heavy and Archery Championships will be held, as well as
numerous other activities including rapier, thrown weapons, a
bardic/fire pit, and the largest archery tournament in An Tir
(a 24 target roving range).  Royal Rounds will be run on
the field range throughout the weekend for those wishing to
record scores. Due to the mundane rules of the club,
crossbows are not permitted.

A roast beef supper will be held on Saturday night by the
Calgary Archers Club. The cost of the feast is $15 again this
year, and can be paid to Brian at the Calgary Archery Center,
4855 47th Street SE. He also accepts cheques! Contact him at
403-255-6830 with any questions. July 22nd is the last day to
reserve for the feast, as Brian needs a few days to get the
supplies together.


Friday July 24
5 pm: Site Opens
After Dark: Night Shoot

Saturday July 25
9 am to 12 pm: Dragonblinder (Archery) Championship
9 am to 6 pm: A&S display/contest open
10 am to 6 pm: Hidden Treasures tournament open*
12 pm to 3 pm: Rapier tournament
2 pm: Children’s activities
3 pm to 6 pm: Dragonslayer (Heavy Fighter) Championship
7 pm: Feast!
8:30 pm: Court!
After Court: Bardic Circle

Sunday July 26
2 pm: Site closed

Event Steward:  Lianor de Najera (mka: Allison Roth), #4
1704 35th St SE, Calgary, AB  T2A 1B5. 
403.850.5715, lianordenajera@gmail.com.

Site lnfo: Calgary Archers Club (No street address) Highway
8, Calgary.  Site opens at 5:00pm Friday, and closes
2:00pm Sunday.  Site does not have drinkable
water.  Some will be available from merchants, but we
recommend you bring some.  Stores and restaurants are

Site fee: $15 (12 and under free).  Non-member
surcharge:  $3.  Make cheques payable to MCSA

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