Yule Feast


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Alina of Folkstone
Date: December 13 , 2008
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on December 13th 2008
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Columbia County Event Complex
58892 Sauiser Rd. St. helens, OR 97051


December 13
, 2008
As the nights grow longer and the days colder, the season of
celebration the bounty of the year is upon us. The baronies
of Three Mountains and Stromgard invite you to join their
joint Yule Feast.
A full day and evening of fun activities have been planned,
including an all day heavy fight practice, bardic
performances, live music and dancing, children’s activities,
and scribal workshops.
There will also be several contests throughout the day
including the women’s “too many cooks in the kitchen” boffer
tourney, ornament making, and a chess tournament,and Sir
Olin’s Toys for Tot’s Tourney
This year we will also be have a few “friendly” competitions
between the two baronies; the first being a food drive to
benefit local food banks. All of their Excellencies encourage
all who attend to bring a donation. All the donations will be
distributed local food banks for those in need during this
Yule season.
The second “friendly “competition is a cooking contest where
the entries are the main dish for the potluck. Prepare enough
of your
favorite seasonal dish to serve 10 people to enter into the
Also a surprise desert will be provided for all to enjoy.
More details to follow on both the Three Mountains and
Stromgard lists for the potluck contest.
Site opens: 10:00am and closes 9:00pm
Site Fee: FREE requesting donations for the local food bank, when you sign in at the
Co-Autocrats: Alina, Linda Klein PO
Box 906 Battle Ground WA 98604, LindaK999@yahoo.
, 360 635 3548 no
calls after 9pm please
Lady Talia Soranzo da Chioggia,Wendy Keith,4262
SW Spratt Way, #195,Beaverton, OR 97007
, no calls after 9pm please

This page for event id 4937 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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