Aquaterra Champions


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Angilu di Antonellu
Date: March 7 , 2008 until March, 9 2008
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 7th 2008
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on March 9th 2008

Event site:
Stanwood/Camano Fairgrounds
6431 Pioneer Hwy. Stanwood, WA 98292

Greetings unto the Kingdom of An Tir,

It is once again time to think about Aquaterra All Champions. Dust off the pavilions and braziers it will be MARCH 7-9 2008  Autocrats: Annette Antonelli & Anna Von Runkel
(360) 483-7704

16 + $10.00 members add $3.00 for non-members
6-15 $5.00
under 5 free

Merchantcrat:Geanna at

We have at least one food vendor who will be attending and will have a Breakfast and lunch menu. 

Gold Key and Pied Piper will be available on site 

RV sites are available at $10.00/day with Electrical hook-ups.

There will be a feast, we are planning a pig roast and pot luck.
Reservations for Feast and RV sites are being taken by Baroness Arianne at There will also be chiken available.

Feast fees:
15 + $4.00 plus please bring a side dish or dessert.

Fire Show: Following the Feast the fire troop " Ignition " will be putting on a fire show.       

All entrants must be paid members of SCA, Inc.
All entrants, including those for the martial arts, must submit a written Notice of Intention to enter the Aquaterra Championship competitions.
The Notice of Intention is due by March 6th,2008
The Notice must include which championship is sought and a description of entries planned for A&S and Bardic competitions
The Notice must be submitted to the Baron and Baroness, the Seneschal, or the officer who is administering the competition
"In writing" can be either by snail mail, e-mail, or by personally handing the document to the recipients. Email for the Baron is and for the Baroness is
Entrants must have read, understood and agreed to abide by the Duties of a Baronial Champion 


To swear an oath of fealty or service to the Barony
To defend the honor and prestige of the Barony and the Kingdom of An Tir, whenever such is challenged.
To support the Barony in war and to take the field at the Coronets command.
To attend events including Boars Hunt in April, Field of the Cloth of Gold in August, Banner War in September, Ursulmas in January and the following year’s Bardic Championship in March when the successor will be chosen, unless that champion receives permission from the Coronet not to do so.
To stand behind the chairs during Baronial Court at all events).
To maintain membership in the Society during the champion's term of service.
To speak or act in the Coronets’ name when delegated to do so.
To actively further the interests of their area of endeavor through teaching the populace of Aquaterra and through performance.
To attend the next Baronial Championship, where their successor will be chosen.


CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS:Please remember as last year if you wish to compete to become an Aquaterra Champion you must relay your intent by phone, email, or in person to the Autocrats Annette Antonelli, Anna Von Runkel,   or their Excellencies at 

Heavy fighting

Rapier fighting

Thrown weapons: 

The format for the marksman championship will consist of the following:
-1 thrown weapons round consisting of 20 Axe, 20 Knife, 20 Spear
There will be points awarded for the Top overall score as well as the top scores in each of the thrown weapons types.
-1 TWIC round
There will be points awarded for the Top overall score as well as the top scores in each of the thrown weapons types.
-1 Novelty round
The champion will be the individual who has collected the most points at the end of the three rounds.

Arts & Sciences

You must submit ONE art form and ONE science form with all the required accompanied documentation. The theme for this year is AQUA and TERRA. Please contact Lady Gabrielle De Nerricourt. You must not have entered the item in another competition whatsoever. This must be something that you have prepared for Champions only. Entries should be brought to the A&S area by 10am and then picked up by 3pm on Saturday. or

Vox-off (adult & youth)

Youth Combat


Here are Rules for the Aquaterra Bardic Championship competition on March 8,

a) To choose a "performing arts" Champion for the Barony of Aquaterra
b) The performing arts include:
i) Vocal music
ii) Instrumental music
iii) Story telling
iv) Poetry
v) Drama
vi) Dance
vii) Physical arts (jugglers, acrobats, jesters, Magicians, etc.

a) Entrants must be paid members of SCA, Inc.
b) Entrants must submit a written Notice of Intention
to enter Aquaterra Bardic Championship:
i) The Notice of Intention is due by March 6, 2008
ii) The Notice must include a description of entries
iii) The Notice must be submitted to the Baron and
Baroness and the Bardic Deputy (Soelig Sweteglee)
iv) "In writing" can be either by snail mail,
e-mail, or by personally handing the document to
the recipients.
d) Entrants must have read, understood and agreed to
abide by the Duties of a Baronial Champion

a) To swear an oath of fealty or service to the Barony
b) To defend the honor and prestige of the Barony and
the Kingdom of An Tir, whenever such is challenged.
c) To support the Barony in war. To take the field at
the Coronets command.
d) To attend events including Boars Hunt in June,
Banner War in September, Ursulmas in January and the
following year’s Bardic Championship in March when
the successor will be chosen (unless that champion
receives permission from the Coronet not to do so),
and such other events as are required by the whim
of the Coronets.
e) To stand behind the chairs during Baronial Court at
all attended events.
f) To maintain membership in the Society during the
champion's term of service.
g) To speak or act in the Coronets name when delegated
to do so.
h) To use and maintain the Champion's regalia (cloak).
i) To actively further the interests of their area of
endeavor through teaching the populace of Aquaterra
and through performance.
j) To attend the next Baronial Bardic Championship,
where their successor will be chosen, or to defend
their title.

a) The overall entrants on Saturday will be judged by
teams of three to five judges, including current
Champions from other baronies, Past Champions from
the Barony of Aquaterra, the Kingdom Champion, Bardic
Laurels, and those well known in the Bardic community
for their exceptional Bardic skills.
b) The judges will use criteria similar to those used
for Kingdom Bardic Championship.
c) Audience appeal will also be a factor in determining
the Champion.
d) The judges will consider depth and breadth of

a) Number of pieces:
i) The entrant will be required to present three
ii) Each entry will have a one hour time slot.
iii) This time slot will be broken down into
15 minutes for oral presentation,
20 minutes for the performance,
10 minutes for questions,
10 minutes for the judges to consult, and
5 minutes for the judges to move to the next
judging session.
b) "Periodicity" requirement – All entries must either
be documentably period OR have a period "feel",
sound, or ambience (i.e. be "periodesque").
c) Documentation – All entries must have significant,
written documentation. E.g., performed period pieces
should give the provenance of the piece; original
pieces should give the period genre the composition
d) Categories – available categories include:
i) a documentably period performance piece from any
of the performing arts
ii) a "periodesque" piece, original or created by
others – documented as to source & period genre
iii) a research paper on a bardic topic
iv) a costume or prop piece, or instrument, that you
have built, related to a specific period
performance purpose.
e) Category requirements:
i) there must be at least one Category i) piece
ii) there must be at least one Category ii) or iii)
iii) the third entry is competitor's choice from the
available categories.
f) Group entries:
i) Group entries will be permitted, however the
entrant's contribution to the piece must be easily
distinguishable from that of the other members
of the group.
ii) If the entrant's contribution is not easily
distinguishable (i.e.- to determine the abilities
of one singer in a madrigal group), then the
entrant must also perform at least a portion of
their "part" as a solo. This can happen either
before, after or during the group performance.
iii) If the entrant's part can be easily separated
by the judges (i.e. – one actor in a group), then
a solo presentation will not be required.

a) Single entries will be permitted.
b) Single entries must pre-register in writing
contacting the the Bardic Deputy.
c) Pre-registration in writing by March 6, 2008 is
encouraged, as the number of single entry slots is
limited. Later registration may be allowed IF there
are still single entry judging slots available.
d) Single entrants should give a detailed description
of their entry when they register.
e) Format – depending on the number of available
judges, single entries might be judged by one judge
plus a panel of other Bardic participants, rather than
judged in a one hour time slot with three specialist

If you are unsure as to whether your idea is ok, please
contact the Bardic Deputy.
Please cross-post to other lists as appropriate.

In service,
HL Soelig Sweteglee
Minister of Bardic and Dance, Aquaterra
Student to Master Trahaearn ap Ieuan
phone: 425/252-4324 cell: 425/923-3092




Archery will consist of an IKAC and 3 Novilties to be announced at the time of the Competition. the only hint I will give about the novilties, is that you need to be prepared to shoot at different distances between 20 & 40 yards.

HL Tacye Maple


The games this year will be Darts, Bacci ball, and Plumbatta.

Lady Mericke of Ross will be running games.



Here is the schedule for All Champions Weekend:


12:00  Gate opens for merchants

3:00    Gate opens to populace


8:00   Wake up call

9:00     Morning Court
          **All championship contestants must be at Morning Court**

9:30     ( or immediately after court)
           Lists open for Heavy Fighters
           Lists open for Youth Combat
           Archery Range opens
           Thrown Weapons Range opens

10:00   Arts & Science projects to judging area
          ( judging times will be given to participants)
           Heavy Fighters Armor Inspection
           Youth Combat Armor Inspection

10:30   Heavy Fighter Championship Begins
           Youth Combat Championship Begins

11:00   Adult Vox-Off begins 

11:30   Archery Championship begins

1:00     Lists Open for Rapier
1:30    Rapier Armor Inspection
          Bardic Championship Begins

2:00    Rapier Championship Begins
          Thrown Weapons Championship Begins
          Youth Vox-Off Begins

3:00    Games Championship  Begins

5:00    Court

6:30    Feast

8:30    Fire Dancers and show "Ignition"


11:00   Closing Court

3:00    Everyone off site





This page for event id 4812 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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