Spring Coronet Tourney (date chg.)


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Sina Erdeneva
Date: April 21 , 2006 until April, 23 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 21th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on April 23th 2006

Event site:
Har-Lee’s Place
Kalum Lake Rd., 11 KM North of Terrace Terrace, BC

Tir Righ Spring Coronet and A&S Championship Cae Mor
April 21 – 23, A.S. XL Terrace & Kitimat, BC On behalf of
Prince Ulf Bloodfoot Fallgrson and Princess Amanda Kendal of
Westmoreland, the Shire of Cae Mor invites one and all to
journey north, to the land of penguins, for the Tir Righ
Spring Coronet and A&S Championship, to be held at
Har-Lee’s Place, located 11 KM north of Terrace on Kalum Lake
Road. Please note; this is a discreetly wet site, period
containers only please. Directions: Drive; From the south,
drive north to Prince George. Head west on Highway 16, to
Terrace. Continue through Terrace, towards Prince Rupert,
past the Canadian Tire. Turn right onto Kalum Lake Road. Stay
on Kalum Lake Road until you see the Har-Lee’s Place sign on
your left. Turn left. Fly; Both HawkAir and Air Cananda fly
into the Northwest Regional Airport. For flight information
links look at: http://www.yxt.ca/info.html and then contact
HL Wlfryd of Leedes to arrange pickup at the airport. Ferry;
Another option is to drive to the north end of Vancouver
Island and take the ferry from Port Hardy to Prince Rupert.
The ferry leaves Port Hardy on Wednesday, April 19th at 4:30
PM and arrives in Prince Rupert on Thursday at 10:30 AM. For
more information & return trip schedules look at:
Rides from Prince Rupert may be possible with lots of prior
notice if you wish to travel as a walk-on. Contact HL Wlfryd
of Leedes to request a ride. Fees: Site Fees; Adult Members
$15.00 Adult Non-members $19.00 Youths (7 – 15) $10.00
Children (6 and under) FREE For large encampment & period
encampment registration, contact HL Betha Feast Tickets;
Early-bird $12.00 After March 1st $15.00 Feast Tickets will
not be sold after April 10th. No exceptions. If the feast is
sold out, a waiting list will be made in case of
cancelations. Side-board will be available for those that
miss out on feast tickets, once the feast is sold out, at a
reduced price. Side-board is not guaranteed to get everything
on the menu. For Feast/Alergy concerns contact the
Feastocrat, HL Li Ban ingen Echtigeirn. Day Food; A per
person fee of $25.00 will get you Breakfast on Saturday and
Sunday, Lunch on Saturday and a Bag Lunch for the trip home
on Sunday. For information contact Lady Rhiannon of
Shrewsbury Merchents; There will be no additional fee for
merchents. For information and pre-registration contact HL
Betha. A&S Championship: For details & entrance
requirements contact Viscountess Ksenia Einarsdottir A&S
Display:: The Shire of Cae Mor is sponsoring an A&S
display for comment. For information contact HL Cinara beguy
urdina. Autocrat Team: Autocrats; HL Cinara beguy urdina
(250) 632-6764 & HL Tadgg h-ua Faelan (250) 639-9301
Feastocrat; HL Li Ban ingen Echtigeirn (250) 639-9301
Registration; Lady Aldgudana Gunnarsdottir (250) 632-6169
Merchent & Encampment Registration; HL Betha (250)
846-5290 Transportation; HL Wlfryd of Leedes (250) 632-3709
Day Food; Lady Rhiannon of Shrewsbury (250) 632-3709

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