Day of Dance


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Soelig Sweteglee
Date: February 25 , 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on February 25th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Garden City Grange
800 - 2nd Street Snohomish, WA 98290-2917

The Barony of Aquaterra is hosting our 3rd annual 
Day of Dance
on February 25, A.S. XL (2006)
at the Garden City Grange hall at 800 – 2nd Avenue in Snohomish, WA

Come, enjoy an afternoon of instruction in dances both easy and challenging, familiar and new,
by Master Traheaern ap Ieuan & his students & guests,   break for a 3-course period Feast,
then dance the night away with live music!

* The Hall opens at noon – site fee: $8.00 adults,  $5.00 6-12yrs, no charge under 6 yr.
(there will be Pied Piper activities, including easy dances for kids).

The afternoon’s dance instruction includes 12 dances, taught during 4 sets with short breaks between them, by Master Trahaearn and four of his students and guest instructors.

* The Feast will begin at 5:30 – feast fee $5.00 adults, $3.00 kids under 12 – make reservations with Baroness Arianne at (425) 778-2359 or  (note: dry site).

Planned menu:
Bread and Butter
Cheese Tarts
Pease Pottage

Rosemary Chicken with Garlic Sauce and Green Sage Sauce
Roast Beast with Mustard Sauce and Cameline Sauce
Winter Veggies
Saffron Rice

Apples and Pears with Cheese

* The Ball will be from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m.

Autocrats: HL Soelig Sweteglee at (425) 252-4324 or  and
                 Lady Caitriona Russell at (425) 335-3553 or

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