Freedom Fest


Hosted by Device of Rath an Oir

The Stronghold of Rath an Oir (Fort Lewis, WA) DORMANT

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Shawna Kerr of Devonshire
Date: July 4 , 2005
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on July 4th 2005
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Fort Lewis
Bldg 2272 Ligatte Ave Ft. Lewis, WA 98433

Freedom Fest and Champion Tourney
July 4th
10AM to close after Fire Works
Ft Lewis WA

Greetings all, Fort Lewis asked the Stronghold of Rath an Oir and the SCA to help celebrate the 4th of July. This is our annual event and the stronghold is holding its Champions Tourney for heavy fighters and rapier fighters. The day is filled with arts and science displays, tourney, demo fighting, opportunity for demonstrations of all sorts, and a great day of fun. Bring your period tent, just be aware staking is limited to about 6” depth. No site fee and a strong possibility of a courtesy meal for all who attend.

Merchants are invited. There is a minimal fee of $15 and completion of a contract with the post. Please contact this autocrat for more information and coordination. Site is small so combined merchant activities are advised.

Because of security precautions the post is restricting parking to designated areas away from the activities and using busses to transport visitors to the site. Since fighting gear and other stuff can be cumbersome we have a means that allows you to gain access directly to the event site. We have two methods available, if your membership is current as of February it will be on the list at the gate, or send me your SCA name and modern name NLT June 18th. This is for all who think they may come.

For those desiring an advance parking pass send me the following information NLT June 14th, Driver’s name, licence number and expiration date. Vehicle model, make, tag number and expiration date. Name of potential passengers.

No matter what method you choose you need to have proof of insurance, valid license plates, vehicle registration and valid driver’s license. You will have to show them at the gate.

Shawna Kerr of Devonshire (Shaune Liles)
Seneschal, Stronghold of Rath an Oir
253-278-3242 cell

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