Day of Dance (New Date)


Hosted by Device of Aquaterra

The Barony of Aquaterra (Snohomish County, WA )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Soelig Sweteglee
Date: February 26 , 2005
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on February 26th 2005
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Masonic Hall, Snohomish
602 Avenue B Snohomish, WA 98290

The Barony of Aquaterra invites all gentles to their second

Day of Dance

on February 26, A.S. XXXIX (2005)


We`ll enjoy an afternoon of instruction led by Master Traheaern ap Ieuan, his students, and guest instructors; a light feast, and a festive ball to dance the night away!  For those whose feet grow weary there will be room for conversation, a game table, and a scribal table. Activities are also planned for children.


A light period French feast (including such delicacies as Chicken Cominy; Mushroom & Cheese Tarts; Smoked Salmon; Frumenty; and several Lenten dishes) and prepared under the direction of HE Fiamma the Unquenchable, is available to the first 50 gentles who make reservations with the autocrat (contact information below). To guarantee a seat, feast tickets must be paid in advance.  Off-board tables will be provided.


We are planning for live music for the Ball.


Autocrat: Lady Soelig Sweteglee (mka Shari Peirce,, 425/252-4324 or 425/923-3092 before 9pm); mail feast checks to 2610 Oakes Av, Everett WA 98201.


Site Info: Masonic Hall, 602 Avenue B, Snohomish WA – (for this event, a dry site, no lighted or scented candles please) – opens at 11a.m. on February 26th.  Dance instruction will begin around 1 p.m., the feast will be at approximately 6 p.m., and the ball will end at 11 p.m.


Site fee is $7 for SCA members, no charge to those under 10yrs of age.  The feast fee is an additional $8 per person.  Make checks payable to SCA Inc., Barony of Aquaterra


Directions:  From I-5 north or south take the Hwy 2/Wenatchee exit. Go east across the trestle, keep right (Hwy 2 curves to the right at the end of the trestle.) Take Snohomish/Bickford Ave. exit from Hwy 2, continue straight into Snohomish (Bickford Ave. becomes Avenue D) and proceed to 6th. Turn left, go two blocks, the Hall is on your left.  Parking is in front of the hall and on the street. SCA signs will be posted.

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