Fibers & Fletching IV


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Joya Cedarholt
Date: August 13 , 2004 until August, 15 2004
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on August 13th 2004
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on August 15th 2004

Event site:
Hastie Lake Rd. Site
2163 Hastie Lake Road Oak Harbor, WA 98277

Fibers & Fletching IV
Barony of Aquaterra
August 13 – 15, 2004
Site Change:
2163 Hastie Lake Rd, Oak Harbor, WA 98277

This website updated August 3; better scroll down, it’s really long!

Once again peace has broken out in Aquaterra. Come and enjoy the arts of peace. There will be competitions and classes on all subjects, archery, games, equestrian, brewing, bardic, siege engine competition, and much more.

The site is a horse farm, and completely primitive. Bring your own water, and please pack out your trash. RV’s are welcome, however there are no hookups or electricity. The site is wet. Children are incorporated into this event, sorry, no pied piper.

Autocrat’s Note: Due to a recent death in my family and previous ongoing commitment to the Stanwood-Camano Fair, the autocrat will be generally unavailable from August 3 – 9. During this time e-mail and phone messages will accumulate. Should you require attention sooner than August 10, please contact the deputy autocrat HL Fionnghuala Frisell. Her contact information is in the Murmurs, and in this event copy.

Autocrat HL Joya Cedreholt, mka Joy Stevens, 1454 PO Box 257, Olympia, Wa 98507, (425)334-0710, no collect calls or calls after 10PM please.

Class scheduling and information: HL Fi Mackenzie

Ithra transfer credit information: Countess Elizabeth de Rossignol

Equestrian reservations required: HL Donwenna Beasthealer

Archery Information: HL Andras Truemark
Feast Reservations:SOLD OUT Baroness Arianne of Falconmoors (425) 778-2359

Site opens at noon on Friday, and closes at 4PM on Sunday.
Site fee is $10 per adult and $5 for children under 13, mundane family cap of $30. Make checks payable to Barony of Aquaterra, SCA Inc. $3 nonmember surcharge applies for adults. US funds only please.

Fires- No ground fires Flames completely enclosed. Candles in glass. No tiki torches. As of Aug 3, there is not a burn ban in effect. However, this may change without prior notice. Please be prepared for a complete burn ban.

THL Donwenna Beast Healer and the Aquaterra CIC are responsible for keeping
resident livestock safe and SCA pet regulations enforced:

  • Dogs/cats/horses only. Contact the autocrat for other species
  • Unleashed dogs/cats are prohibited.
  • Dog/cat owners must have proof of Rabies vaccination with them, because we will ask them to provide it when they arrive on site. A Rabies tag is NOT legal proof.
  • Dogs/cats are NOT allowed in the horse area at all.
  • We will ask any person to remove their pet if it causes any problems here.
  • Pets cannot be left unattended.
  • Due to the hot weather, owners are cautioned to keep pets

  • All pet stools must be immediately picked up and disposed of
    in proper stool receptacles.

  • Pets are not allowed to defecate/urinate within
    camping areas.

  • Horses must be vaccinated against EWEE, Tetanus, Flu, Rhino, and WNV and current on deworming.
  • Horses must be kept in the horse area only.
  • Horse manure must be picked up and disposed in the assigned receptacle/area.

We appreciate pet owners efforts and understanding, as
resident livestock do have priority. THL Donwenna Beast Healer

The Alleged Schedule : Officially this is closed.
Friday August 12 noon Site opens
Embroidery (HL Fionnghuala)
Cordials (Master Ian)
Constabulary 101 (HL Khaidu)
7 PM
Panel Discussion on Costuming (Countess Elizabeth and Asha)
Lucet Cording with the Kids (Lady Roxanne)
Beginning Knitting (Lady Soelig)
Woven Pouches (Justine)
8 PM
Kids Bardic
Saturday August 14th
Opening Court
Herb Walk with Saige leaves from the Baronial Pavilion
Siege Engine Golf
Croquet (this time may change)
Andrew Creagie Memorial Archery Tournament
Bocce warning (Bocce can happen any time, now)
Tatting (Foggy) max 5
Pewter Button Casting (Master Fiacha)
Capture the Flag (Lord Grimr) (this time may change)
Period Necklace Constructions (Xaja)
Bobbin Lace 101 (HL Kassandra)
Beginning Knitting (Lady Soelig) max 5
T-tunics (HL Gia)
SCA 101 (HL Aerne)
Intro to Weaving (Lois)
Horseback Archery (Agulos)
How to Equestrian Ground Crew (Donwenna)

Brewing with Baron Andreu the Reckless
Newcomers meeting (Tessa)
Beginning Card Weaving (Katriana)
A Brief History of World Archery (HL Andras)
12 noon

Royal rounds and IKAC
Norse Seam Binding (HL Nimue)
Rolled Hems (Lady Soelig)
How to make your own arrow shafts (HL Andras)

Arts and Crafts with the Kids (Effrick)
Period Necklace Constructions (Xaja)
Lucet Cord (Lady Roxanne)
History of Chainmail (Baron Styrr)

Buttons (Lady Arnora)
Having Fun in the SCA (Lord Styrkarr)
Warping 101 (Personal Sheep to Shawl) (Justine)
How to create a self-nocked shaft (HL Andras)

Illumination for SCA (Mad Malcolm)
Spinning (Mistress Goditha)
Banners (HL Rosamund)
Court Etiquette (Baron Julian)
2:30 PM

How to select, split and foot your own feathers (HL Andras)
3 PM

Armor Inspection
Fire Making and Knife Sharpening (HL Wyl Hauk)
Heavy Tournament begins
Basics of Spinning (Asha)
Felt on a Rock (Hallbjorn, LC)
Period Necklace Constructions (Xaja)
Intro to Medieval Furs (Sayna)
Madonnas, Sluts and Ladies (HL Rosamund)
How to tie the feathers down (HL Andras)
5 PM

SCA 105 (How to survive a feast) (HL Aerne)
Picnic at the Bardic – Baronial Pavilion
Sunday, August 15th
10 AM
Tools of the Seamstress (Foggy)
Kats Cradle (Lady Roxanne)
Bobbin Lace 102 (HL Kassandra)
Venetian Fans (Talia)
Field Heraldry (HL Aerne)
Give you dog a job in the SCA (Samira)
War band Tactics – fighters bring armor (Agulos)
11 AM
Cartridge Pleating (HL Eleanor)
Domesday Boke – 40 year (HL Rosamund)
Hunting with Hounds (Samira)
12 noon
Beyond Documentation (Asha)
Autocrating 101 (HL Fionnghuala)
Veterinary Care in Period (Samira)
1 PM
Fight Practice Begins
2PM Closing Court
(this time may change)
4 PM site closes
(no more in gate, no more classes begin)


Conflicting Schedules: With all these wonderful classes, many of us are finding that we would like to take more than one class at a time. Perhaps you could persuade an instructor to teach the class again another time privately. Remember: Bribery is period, Sign up for classes on site. Who will win Champion of Fibers & Fletching this year?

Champion of Fibers & Fletching
This is a competition that we have done since the first Fibers & Fletching. Every person coming on site gets a site token that has strings on it. For each thing that you do, you earn a bead. At closing court on Sunday, the person with the most beads wins the Championship of Fibers & Fletching.

Guidelines: Attend the whole class to get the bead, no stepping into a class, getting a bead and leaving to go to another class. No class hopping.
Limit two of the same activity. For example: learn to spin (one hour class) get a bead. Stay spinning, get a second bead. Spin all day, great, no more beads. Likewise: only two royal rounds (archery) count for the competition.
Whoever wins receives regalia, which should be augmented in some way and brought back next year to award to the next Champion.

There will be merchants on site. There is no merchant fee. The deadline to sign up to merchant is August 12. Also, you are important and part of the Championship. Please be available to teach something, if asked, and award a bead. If you need beads or information contact the autocrat. Still working on a food merchant and/or coffee. So far reserved are:

  • Tarna Jasmine House Jasmine
  • Greyven Amaranth
  • T’s Treasures
  • Peg Leg
  • Pastiche
  • Woolie Bits
  • Lynn the Weaver
  • Fibra Lane
  • Dream Visions
  • Temple Caffina
  • Clear Creek Pottery
  • Silver Dragon
  • House Verdae of Padua
  • Costumer’s Guild Pillage Village Sale

The Kingdom Costumer’s Guild is having a clearance sale. This is a good time to clear out old garb and stuff. There is no merchant fee or deadline to reserve space.

Siege Engine Golf
Any form of siege engine is allowed. The basic guidelines are throwing a single tennis ball into a five gallon plastic bucket. Nine holes. Low score wins. HL Dayne is working on the details, including what kind of putter is allowed. Shafted tennis balls are allowed. The guidelines trending toward inclusion and silliness, so no worries, bring the siege engine you have and come play with Aquaterra. There is a rumor of siege engine building (with power tools) for those who want to design and build on site for whatever reason. Lord Styrkar is toying with that idea.

Siege Engine Golf Tournament Rules: By HL Dayne

  1. weapon limitations : you will have a catapult, balista, trebuchet, etc capable of S.C.A. minimum range. (we will go with 25 to 45 yards)
  2. ammo : (1) tennis ball. A balista will of course have this as a projectile tip.
  3. course length : A specific answer has not been decided on; as I have not been to the site to walk out a course. My intent is to keep two or three stroke holes. (see rule #1)
  4. safety requirements : I will not require safety equip. , but will advise the use of gloves. I will require that people bring a liter of water per person.
    ( We could be in the hot sun for a long time. The water bearer has archery, thrown weapons, and the Gods know how many good people rightfully distracted with ‘look at what I learned’ to keep a capable eye on us.)

  5. target : A (5) gal. bucket. I will put rocks in the bottom to keep it standing upright on the ground. The course will be (9) holes. 1 point per throw. Low score wins.

Children’s Activities
Effrik has volunteered to run children’s stuff. There will be a schedule of kids stuff in the site Alleged Schedule. Well behaved Children are also welcome to take classes, as appropriate. No children will be allowed to take brewing classes, however. Also, Lord Grimm has volunteered to play capture the flag with kids of all ages. I hope this turns into either teams with kids and adults OR Adults versus kids. I wonder if there are enough adults who will put down their walkers and find out what those kids are made of. (Youth and skill are always defeated by old age and treachery)

Countess Elizabeth has made arrangements for Ithra challenge credit. That means that if you want Ithra credit, for a class or for teaching, you see her and fill out a form. Theoretically, every class could get Itra credit, without changing the atmosphere of the event. Countess Elizabeth will have the details, and help people with the forms.

The Reckless Inn
Coordinated by Baroness Anastasia, there will be an Inn in the honor of Baron Andreu the Reckless. The Grotto will be in evidence, with dancing and other entertainments, food and beverages. This will be overlooking the “Summer Hunt”, greyhound races, war dog races (little dogs), and ‘critter races’ (small children with fuzzy tails). The brewing instruction track will take place in The Inn.

HL Andras Truemark is the contact person for all things Archery. He has agreed also to teach and host classes regarding both period and modern archery. He and Lord Torn will be managing the range, with all the Aquaterra loaner gear. Get out and shoot! Who will win the Andrew Creagie Memorial Archery Tournament this year?

Andrew Creagie Memorial Archery Tournament

Andrew Creagie was a Scottish-born colonist. His friends acquired for him 3 Merino sheep (still the finest wool in the world) valued at over $800 at that time. Not understanding the gift, he ate them. That meal has gone down in history as the most expensive meal ever eaten.

The Andrew Creagie Memorial Archery Tournament is a collection of the most silly archery we can think up. More silliness is better. If you have an idea, bring it to the event and we’ll try it.
Whoever wins, determined by the outgoing Champion, will receive regalia, which should be augmented and returned to the next Fibers & Fletching.

Thrown Weapons
HL Wilhawk has agreed to once again host this art form. Thrown Weapons will be adjacent to Archery for safety consideration, so come out and throw.

The Canton of Bearwood has offered to host competition croquet. Serious croquet. Come and smack some balls.

HL Donwenna Beasthealer and her group are hosting all things equestrian. There will be the regular
SCA equestrian, plus equestrian archery (A first in An Tir) and the Summer Hunt, which is a lot like period steeplechase. Also, her people are working on rental horses. So that anyone who wants to can ride. Stay tuned.

Saturday Night Picnic and Bardic
There will be a picnic around the Aquaterra Baronial pavilion Saturday evening, bring your tourney tables and chairs. Bring your favorite story or song for the bardic (each one gets a bead). A bead will be awarded for the best decorated table (flame sources in glass, please), as determined by our Baron and Baroness.

Fight Practice
The regular Sunday fight practice will happen at Fibers & Fletching instead of Emerson school.

Opening court will be at 9am on Saturday to accommodate the class schedule and Ithra requirements, and closing court will be at 2PM Sunday (closing court may change).

St. Ursul&#039s Crusade

St. Ursul&#039s crusade continues. Bring a stuffed bear (or sheep?) to donate to local emergency agencies, and receive a bead for each one. New toys, please. NO LIVE ANIMALS

Bocce (overhand) just tends to happen. Rumor has it that it will happen again this year. Watch out, the Baron plays through.

Feast FEAST SOLD OUT This year at Fibers and Fletching there will be a wondrous opportunity to partake in a tantalizing
Middle Eastern feast with the flavors of Andalusia.

    The feast will consist of four courses

  • the first includes a variety of dips to be eaten with bread,
  • the second a sweet chicken with sauce, an appetizing beef dish and a
    vegetarian dish,

  • the third a savory chicken dish with
    nuts and an exotic lamb dish,

  • the fourth is a selection of delicacies featuring honey, almonds,
    dates and rose water.

Tickets are $10.00 for adults $5.00 for children under twelve. Tickets are available for advance sale only.
Allergy concerns- Most of the dishes include eggs,
almonds, wheat, eggplant and cilantro. Only two
contain dairy products and only two contain ginger. A
complete list of ingredients will be available at the
feast. If you have questions or concerns regarding
ingredients please contact the feastocrat, Bashira
(Dana Young) at (425) 337-2647 or Baroness Fiamma

This page for event id 3865 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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