Feast Upon the Day of Saint Hedwig


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Rozina Katerina
Date: October 13 , 2001
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 13th 2001
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Netel Grange
90525 Logan Road Astoria, OR 98103

Feast Upon the Day of Saint Hedwig Incipient Shire of Heron’s
Reach Come join with the populace of the Incipient Shire of
Heron’s Reach in celebrating another year’s bountiful moss
harvest. On Saturday, October 13th potluck feast will be held
to commemorate the Day of St. Hedwig. (She is after all, the
patron saint of moss gatherers.) Among the attractions,
distractions and downright annoyances will be, a bardic
competition, a “Best” pun contest, and activities for the
smalls such as Beginning spinning with a spindle, making
Monk’s Cord, Icon Painting (or coloring) and Kumihimo
Braiding. The feast will be held in an indoor site. It is a
dry site with no smoking indoors. The suggested food amount
for you to bring is the amount you would normally make to
feed your own, plus 5 more. The Shire of Heron’s Reach will
be providing breads and cheeses. If your mundane last name
begins with….please bring… A-I: A dessert J-R: A side
dish S-Z: An entree Site fee is Adults: $5.00 Smalls: $2.00
Family maximum charge: $12.50 Directions to the site: From
the North, Astoria: Hwy 101, Hwy 30 South towards Warrenton,
across the Young’s Bay Bridge From the south end of the
bridge go .6 miles turn left at the sign indicating the Ft.
Clatsop Memorial and the Airport. At the intersection .2
miles beyond turn left. Follow the road about 4.5 miles over
the drawbridge Keep to the right at the small store/gas
station where the main road curves to the left At the store
is a stop sign, turn right there. Follow road for 3.2 miles
You will see a road sign for “Logan Chapel Road”, Turn left
at the first road after Logan chapel road After that, take
the first driveway on the left The event is being held in the
Netel Grange Hall From the South, Seaside: Hwy 101, hwy 26 At
milepost 8.4 turn right at the sign indicating Ft. Clatsop
Memorial and the Airport. Follow the road about 4.5 miles
over the drawbridge Keep to the right at the small store/gas
station where the main road curves to the left. At the store
is a stop sign, turn right there. Follow road for 3.2 miles
You will see a road sign for “Logan Chapel Road”, Turn left
at the first road after Logan chapel road After that, take
the first driveway on the left The event is being held in the
Netel Grange Hall Duncan MacDuff / MacDhuibh of Vinland, Tir
na Aibhne, Kingdom of An Tir Deus juvat – Virtute et opera –
W.O.A.W. – Holder of the Punny Bunny of Heron’s Reach
Cartographer, Web Minister, & Light Crossbowman of the
Incipient Shire of Heron’s Reach Duncan_MacDuff@Juno.com –

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